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Today’s Video: What NOT to Do During a Breakup

In Today’s Video Fr. Mike Schmitz looks at what not to do during a breakup. We often think “How could I’ve gotton God’s Will so wrong? Check out this video:
Today’s Video: The Devil is a Fool!

The devil tries to trick us, but we can see the game he’s playing… and it’s a pretty stupid one! Check out Brother Casey in today’s video:
A Brief Examination of Conscience Based on the Ten Commandments

I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. Have I treated people, events, or things as more important than God? You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Have my words, actively or passively, put down God, the Church, …
Lenten Calendar

Lenten Calendar Monday, March 18 Lunch with the Lord Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. 325 W Eighth St., Cincinnati 45202 (513) 421-5354 After the 11:30am Mass in Synod Hall. Bring a lunch and a friend and have Lunch with the Lord! Drinks will be available for a donation. Regional …
Purcell Marian Students go to Ecuador for Spring Break

The term “Spring Break” takes us to beaches, a week of fun, or simply a week to chill. This year, students from Purcell Marian High School in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati went out of their comfort zone and traveled to Ecuador to help the community there in some difficult task …
Today’s Video: Celebrating Fish Fry Fridays

Each year a cast of thousands throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati work many long hours during Lent at their parish Fish Fry. Here’s a tribute to their hard work, and the joy of Fish Fry Fridays with family. Check out the video: For The Catholic Telegraph’s comprehensive Fish Fry Guide, …
Fish Fries offer food, fellowship and fun

By Erin Schurenberg During the Lenten season, the opportunities for food, fellowship and fun abound at area fish fries. Most happen weekly for the first six Fridays in Lent. Other fish fries are more likely to be one-time events. With the occasional rare exception, such as that of St. Anthony …
Being Pro Life: Racism Is an Issue of Dignity

A young, African-American, Catholic boy was at Mass at his local elementary school. He entered the communion line and properly held out his hands to receive, but the lay minister refused him. In this case, despite him presenting properly, she presumed the student wasn’t Catholic simply because he was black. …
Pope Francis Prayer intentions for March

Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities That Christian communities, especially those who are persecuted, feel that they are close to Christ and have their rights respected.
Today’s Video: Getting involved in Parish Life

With Lent upon us, perhaps it is time to do a personal inventory and discern your involvement in parish life. The value of a new parishioner introducing him or herself to the parish and just asking the priest, “How can I help?” is priceless.