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Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, center, stands with members of the Ordination Class of 1979, during the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's annual Ordination Anniversasry Dinner at the Bergamo Center in Beavercreek, Ohio on Monday, May 6. Members of the class include: Front L-R Fathers Terry Schneider, Jerry Gardner, Jeff Kemper. Marc Sherlock, Jim Schutte, and Dave Lemkuhl. Back L-R Fathers Larry Tensi and Len Wenke. (CT Photo/David A. Moodie)
Celebrating the Class of 1959: 60 years Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk Reverend Eugene F. Vonderhaar Reverend John E. Wessling Celebrating the Class of 1969: 50 years Reverend George R. Schmitz Reverend James J. Walsh Celebrating the Class of 1979: 40 years Reverend Timothy S. Bunch Reverend Jerome J. Gardner …

On May 18, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will celebrate the historic ordination of nine men to the priesthood! Deacons Alex Biroymumeisho, Mark Bredestege, Zachary Cecil, Christian Cone-Lombarte, Ambrose Dobroszi, Andrew Hess, Elias Mwesigye, Jeffrey Stegbauer, and Jedidiah Tritle have spent many years studying, discerning, and serving in preparation for this …

What good does feeling sorry for yourself do? Fr. Mike points out a hard truth in saying—while you have the right to grieve when tragic things happen in your life—you never have the right, or permission, to feel sorry for yourself. All it does is shrink the universe down to …

Many people say God acted much differently in the Old Testament than he did in the New Testament. They say the God of the New Testament is merciful and compassionate, but in the Old Testament he is often harsh and unforgiving. A thorough look at Scripture reveals that this is …

For your Mothers Day, a special performance of Salve Regina, from the Seminarians at the Athenaeum of Ohio Salve Regina mater miseri cordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra salve Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae Ad te suspiramis gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle Eia ergo advocata nostra, illos …

Celebrating the Ordination of Father Charles Aketch and Father Richard Toboso, Glenmary’s newest missionary priests. The Ordination was held at St. John Neumann Church in Fairfield, on April 27, 2019.

Jesus asked the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda, “Do you want to be well?” It seems like an obvious question, but—as Fr. Mike explains—in order for this man to desire healing, he had to believe he could be healed. So many of us have given up on the …

POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR 2019 ENTRUSTED TO THE POPE’S WORLD- WIDE PRAYER NETWORK (APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER) Universal: The Church in Africa, a Seed of Unity That the Church in Africa, through the commitment of its members, may be the seed of unity among her peoples and a sign of …