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A Franciscan, Dominican, and a Jesuit walk into a bar… As Catholics, having a sense of humor is part of being Christian. We are able to laugh at ourselves and make fun of each other in love. Here are eight jokes, told by Father Casey Cole, about being religious that …

Twenty-two years ago, as I lie in intensive care in a hospital in Rome after brain surgery, I didn’t know who I was. Because of the swelling during surgery, I was without a thought or memory in my mind, and unable to speak; like an infant child. Then a woman …

Sister Mary Imelda, center, and the crew that makes her spaghetti sauce, left to right, Mark Piotrowski, Germane Thomas, Linda Calhoun, Michael Jones, David Houze, Tay Greer, and Robert Miller. (CT Photo/E.L. Hubbard)
By Erin Schurenberg and Eileen Connelly, OSU Imagine it: 6,000 meatballs, 150 pounds of prepared spaghetti noodles and 165 gallons of sizzling tomato sauce. This was the scene on a warm June Saturday afternoon at St. Paul’s Archbishop Leibold Home in Clifton. The event was the ninth annual spaghetti dinner …

By Erin Schurenberg I feel like my education has both instilled me with strong values and sheltered me in positive ways,” said Allie Gardner Allie Gardner, incoming sophomore and class president at Mount Notre Dame (MND) High School in Cincinnati. Allie’s strong faith and belief in Catholic education have been …

At the regular Sunday evening Mass at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Father Satish Joseph said Mass for the victims of the Dayton shooting. (CT Photos/Jeff Unroe)

Shaheed Baba Deep Singh GAtka Academy of New York students perform during the first Festival of Faiths at the Cintas Center in Cincinnati Sunday, June 24, 2018. (CT Photo/E.L. Hubbard)
13 World Religions, 90+ Exhibitors, Free Activities for All Ages on Sunday, September 8 CINCINNATI –July 10, 2019 – Greater Cincinnati’s second annual Festival of Faiths on Sunday, September 8, 2019 at Xavier University’s Cintas Center will bring together neighbors, families, and spiritual leaders to celebrate the area’s religious diversity. …

As a student at St. Rita School for the Deaf was receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at his local parish. The parish invited a St. Rita employee who knew minimal American Sign Language (ASL) to attend so they could interpret the basics of the moment of the Sacrament, but there …

By John Stegeman One of the benefits of Jesuit education, said Spencer Liechty, is campus ministry. Liechty was a track and cross country runner at Xavier University who grew in faith and his commitment to social justice thanks in part to campus ministry efforts. Now the 2014 grad is back …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU You’re never too old to go back to school. Just ask Elizabeth Burnside. At 54, the mother of two and grandmother of four began classes at Chatfield College, working toward an associate degree in liberal arts. Burnside admittedly overcame many obstacles in order to continue her …

by Rebecca Sontag The days are long but the years are short,” is a well-worn truism. We’ve heard it. We’ve said it. But we haven’t truly understood it until those marathon days of parenting (in the “primary-caregiver” sense) come to an abrupt halt. Right under the noses of attentive and …