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The Catholic Telegraph’s Albano Launches New Book Interview by Jessica Rinaudo The Catholic Telegraph’s own Dominick Albano has a book debuting this month, and, bit by bit, it’s practically guaranteed to make you, and (perhaps even more importantly) any young people in your life who have fallen away from the …

Father Casey in his video series breaking the habit looks at the life of Saint Francis. St. Francis is the greatest saint in the history of the Church. At least, he is for Father Casey. The Prayer of Saint Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there …

The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Glee Club performs during the Cincinnati Celtic Festival in downtown Cincinnati Sunday, Aug. 18, 2019. (CT PHOTO/E.L. HUBBARD)
By Rebecca Sontag When the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Foundation decided to resurrect the on-again, off-again Cincinnati Celtic Festival, retired Army Colonel Dan Shea said to his fellow members, “There’s a couple things we have to do. We need to have a grand opening ceremony, and we have to …

by Rebecca Sontag “You have this gift of faith, and at any age, you can take that gift and make something of it.” — Martha Dunsky But what to do with this gift of faith and how to share it? How do we pass it on? That is something we …

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr Tours Tornado Damage in Dayton; Meets with Catholic Social Services Story and photos by Jessica Rinaudo It was a somber day walking into the offices of Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV) in Dayton. Archbishop Dennis Schnurr was there to visit and hear the stories …

Promoting Second Chances Through Damascus Everyone deserves a second chance and the opportunity to discover God’s purpose for them. Firm in this belief, Christine and Todd Marallen established a program called Damascus in 2015. Damascus helps previously incarcerated citizens return to life outside prison by helping them acquire and maintain …

From morning until night, many made their way to the Cathedral to see the relics of St. Padre Pio. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Speaker Series at The Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati. Tuesdays in October at 7:00 p.m. October 1, Rev. Raymond N. Enzweiler presents Euthanasia: Respecting Life until Natural Death October 8, Donna Murphy of Heaven’s Gain Ministry presents Dignity of the Child and Grieving during Pregnancy Loss October …

In Today’s Video, Father Casey looks at Moral theology which is a complicated subject in the Catholic Church. It’s not enough to look just at one’s actions. We must also consider intentions and circumstances.

After reading a book on will power, Fr. Mike discovered an important lesson when it comes to how we handle spiritual setbacks. So let’s not give up when we fall into sin, but keep our eyes on heaven and God’s grace and live accordingly.

Check out the video as our seminarians moved in for the 2019-2020 academic year.