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Story & photo by M.D. Pitman Before every volleyball home game, Seton’s team goes to the school’s chapel to pray. They don’t pray for a win. They pray to become closer as teammates and to God and to be better versions of themselves. “That’s where we hold a lot of …

Pictured are the Class of 2018 seniors who took on the "Got Veggies?" topic for their Capstone project. Their work won the Sister Dorothy Stang Award from the archdiocese.
By Susie Bergman Small groups are making a big difference at Chaminade Julienne High School (CJHS) in Dayton. The Catholic high school, founded on the Marianists and Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur orders, has cultivated an atmosphere of faith in action (with a hint of good-natured competitiveness) through the …

By Susie Bergman Imagine boarding a plane to leave the comfort and security of your homeland to begin a mission solely focused on relationship-building with people you’ve never met. It’s a mission that will take you to places you have never experienced before, with an unfamiliar culture and a significant …

By Patricia McGeever An artist, a craftsman, a generous donor and staff skilled in construction have created a beautiful space in Moeller High School’s updated chapel, a space intent on inspiring students to grow deeper in their faith. “The existing space wasn’t respected the way a chapel should be,” said …

Queen of Peace Parish in Hamilton replaced their outside cross atop the church that was originally built and erected in 1966. The new cross is larger and lit for the entire Queen Acres neighborhood. They placed the old cross inside the new one. Students witnessed the blessing of the new cross.
Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati! Click photo to click through the photos.

Story and photos by Jeff Unroe. The dedication ceremony began at 6:30 p.m. on September 6, and featured the traditional pregame performance by the Marching Patriots, an address from Carroll Principal Matt Sableski, a blessing of the field by Father Ethan Moore, and a ceremonial ringing of the Victory Bell …

“I’ve been coming down here since the 1960s, and they’ve always had this rathskeller. It’s an old tradition in Germany. They needed someone new to run it, so I’ve done it for probably 20 years now. In Germany, the farmers would come to town and have beer after Mass and …

College scholarships for playing video games? (This is not a drill) My 10-year-old loves to play video games. But the numbers show video games aren’t just for little kids anymore. The e-sports industry is young enough that Microsoft Word still tries to tell me that it’s a spelling error when …

To our valued readers: We are preparing the November edition of The Catholic Telegraph and we want to hear what you! In honor of Thanksgiving, share with us how God has blessed you this past year. Submission deadline is Wednesday, October 9. Submit your photos and blessings by clicking here

yler Nilson (left), David Thies (center), and Michael Schwartz (right) on the set of The Peanut Butter Falcon.
By Alisa Fisher For David Thies, the road to The Peanut Butter Falcon began at a local bike shop, Going Mobile Bikes and Boards. This was the name of Thies’ bike shop in Hyde Park in the 1990s. There, Thies met a professional cyclist named John Stamstad who was going …