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Catholic Life in Pop Culture Angelico Project’s Weekend with Leah & Alexi Sargeant

By Rebecca Sontag There are a lot of roads into the Church,” said Leah Libresco Sargeant, discussing her and her husband, Alexi, upcoming visit to Cincinnati. For some, the road is straight ahead and obvious from birth onward. Others traverse a hyper-intellectual path to God – like Leah did. There …
Local Priest Brings Role of Church in Civil War to Forefront

Perhaps the last untold story of the American Civil War is the heroic work of Catholic chaplains and religious sisters who served on both sides of the conflict. While the story has been untold for well over a century, it wasn’t unwritten. Irish journalist David Power Conyngham wrote a manuscript …
Precious Blood Priest Heeded Vocational Call to Serve as Air Force Chaplain

By Susie Bergman Father Eugene “Gene” Schnipke had only been ordained for a few short years, but it seemed everyone knew he was destined for a different kind of vocational service – everyone, that is, except him. After committing his life to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in 1980, …
Today’s Video: The Pressure of Public Conversion

Fr. Mike comments on Kanye West’s conversion. He celebrates Kanye’s conversion, but hesitates to lift him up as a Christian leader. He recommends that we let Kanye’s roots in the faith grow without the responsibility of having people watch his every step to see if he will fall; because we …
Coach Discipleship, Developing Faith With Student Athletes

Story & photo by M.D. Pitman Before every game sanctioned by the Girls Western Athletic Conference (GWAC), members of both teams stand hand-in-hand on the playing field to pray. The Catholic girls league began requiring prayer before games a few years ago, and it’s one of the more important rules …
Walking in the Footsteps of Saint Julie

By Judy Back Gerwe To my great privilege, the leadership team of the Ohio Province of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur invited me to attend a pilgrimage where the foundress of the order, St. Julie Billiart, worked and lived. There were nine of us who took part in …
Chance Encounter Leads to Vocation

By John Stegeman When 21-year-old math and secondary education major Aaron Wessman would clean the halls of the theology department at St. John’s University, a certain priest would often be in the way. Time after time, young man and the priest met in the hallways, and eventually, the seed of …
Photo Essay: Confirmation at St. Rita’s School for the Deaf

In the Catholic Church, the Sacrament of Confirmation provides an outpouring of Grace from the Holy Spirit – the same outpouring of Grace the 12 Apostles received on Pentecost. Contained within this outpouring of Grace are gifts from the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Right Judgment, Understanding, Courage, Piety, and Fear …
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for November

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions NOVEMBER Dialogue and Reconciliation in the Near East That a spirit of dialogue, encounter, and reconciliation emerge in the Near East, where diverse religious communities share their lives together.