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The Catholic Spelunker for January 2020
Can you believe it is already 2020? In 2010, I had a 7-month-old. Now I have a 10-year-old. By 2030, he will probably be in college. Yikes. Every New Year is a chance for a new beginning – and people like new beginnings. But this new beginning feels special because …
New Book Celebrates Ministry of Franciscans
by Eileen Connelly, OSU A Franciscan friar has authored a new book that combines his deep love for his community and his passion for history. Franciscan Friars: Coast to Coast, by Father Jack Clark Robinson, was released in November by Arcadia Publishing as part of its “Images of America Series,” …
Did you know? St. Monica St. George
St. Monica Is the mother of convert St. Augustine. She is the patron saint of alcoholics, conversion, wives and mothers. St. George Is the patron of farmers, soldiers, archers, equestrians, chivalry, skin diseases and shepherds. A triptych of the saint from the church fits exactly on the building’s only remaining undecorated …
Today’s Video: Enthronement of Our Lord Christ the King
The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, on November 24, 2019, was like no other. The Most Rev. Archbishop Dennis Schnurr offered Mass to solemnly enthrone Our Lord Jesus on the altar and proclaim Him King of the Universe and King of America. All were invited …
Hope and Healing: Project Rachel Provides Post-Abortive Support to Women and Men
by Katie Sciba She was 19 years old when she found out she was pregnant. Afraid of disappointing her parents, Sarah* and her boyfriend decided to abort their child. “We were in quick and then the baby was gone,” she said, “and it was something I never talked about.” Sarah …
Five Ways for Young Adults to Get Involved in Your Parish (and for Your Parish to Welcome Them)
By Wayne Topp For many young adults, parishes are an enigma. They experience them as young children, and some may have been involved in their high school youth group. Then they went off to college. Half of those involved teenagers stayed engaged in their faith, while others simply “took a …
Being Pro-Life: Mental Illness: It’s More Common Than You Think by Bob Wurzelbacher
Gail and Scott have a son who started exhibiting difficult behaviors by the age of three. As he grew, he showed an assortment of extreme issues such as defiance, agitation, high anxiety and even delusions. Getting him to attend school and do homework became increasingly difficult, and ultimately he was …
January 3: The Epiphany Of Our Lord
The Epiphany of Our Lord is the Christian feast observed on Jan. 3, 2021. The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphainen, a verb that means “to shine upon,” “to manifest,” or “to make known.” Thus, the feast of the Epiphany celebrates the many ways that Christ has made Himself …
Men’s Ministry Mentors at Pregnancy Center
By Erin Schurenberg An important action before us as Catholics is to talk about our faith and take back our story,” said Deacon Nathan Beiersdorfer on his faith-based podcast, “The First Word.” “Taking back the story” could describe the trajectory of Nathan’s own Catholic journey. After graduating in 1995 from …
In Profile: Paul Melia, Late Dayton-based Artist Let Faith Lead His Art
By Margaret Swensen When I spoke with Paul Melia on the phone in July, I told him I wanted him to be the first featured artist in what I hoped would become a series of videos on Catholic artists living and working within the archdiocese. He humbly accepted and warned …