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Earth Day Prayer: St. Francis’s Canticle of the Sun

St. Francis’s Canticle of the Sun O most High, almighty, good Lord God, to you belong praise, glory, honor, and all blessing! Praised be my Lord God with all creatures; and especially our brother the sun, which brings us the day, and the light; fair is he, and shining with …
Today’s Video: The 50th anniversary of Earth Day,

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, our Care for Creation Task Force recorded a virtual prayer service.
Faith Continues to Flow at Chaminade Julienne

Expressions of faith continue to flow through the Chaminade Julienne (CJ) community even as school hallways stand silent in compliance with state and national officials through the emergency of managing the COVID-19 crisis. Virtual outreach began in Lent. From live-streaming the Rosary on Instagram, leading the Stations of the Cross …
Girls School Unite: Mercy McAuley, Mount Notre Dame, Seton, Saint Ursula, and Ursuline Academy Join Together for City-Wide Girls’ Schools Unite Campaign

Cincinnati – From May 4 – May 8, five area all-girls Catholic high schools – Mercy McAuley, Mount Notre Dame, Seton, Saint Ursula and Ursuline Academy – are teaming up for a unique city-wide campaign called Girls’ Schools Unite. The fundraising campaign seeks to raise awareness and financial support for …
Today’s Video: Remembering Archbishop Pilarczyk in a great Catechesis Lesson.

In Today’s Video Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk gave brief talk given upon receiving the Daniel Kane award at the VLCFF Partners Convocation dinner, Feb. 4, 2010 at the University of Dayton. He breaks down the Catechism in about 5 minutes!
Today’s Video: Mastering the Basics of Faith

Father Mike makes the case that, before you claim a certain “style” in practicing the faith, you have to master the basics. He tells a story about when he was learning guitar. The teacher told his students to hold their guitar on an angle with their left knee higher than …
A look back at stories from The Catholic Telegraph during the 1918 Pandemic

Pursuant to the orders of the Cincinnati Board of Health, prohibiting the assembling of people during the prevailing epidemic of influenza, the conference of the Province of Cincinnati, called for next Monday, for the purpose of making preparations for the Combined War Work Campaign, has been indefinitely postponed. As soon …
Today’s Video: Be not Afraid

Father Casey Cole OFM looks at the strange circumstances this year, we are probably experiencing more fear this Easter than ever before. Jesus tells us: do not be afraid. He is Risen, Alleluia!
Easter Family Prayer

Easter Table Prayer Creator God and Lord of Life, You who call forth from the darkness of death all those who love You, we rejoice, on this Easter Sunday, in the resurrection from the dead of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Visit our home and this table with Your bright blessing …
Holy Week in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Sunday, April 5: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Live Streaming Mass at 9:30 a.m. (Spanish) Live Streaming Mass at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 7: Chrism Mass at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 8: Mass for Frontline Wokers at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 8: Tenebrae Service from Maria Stein Shrine, 7:30 …