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Today’s Video: Don’t Follow Your Passion (A Graduation Speech)
Many will tell graduates to “follow your passion” and live your life. I think that this is nonsense. Check out Father Casey’s Graduation speech that is sure to inspire our 2020 Graduates:
A Mother’s Day Prayer
A Mother’s Love There are times when only a mother’s love Can understand our tears, Can soothe our disappoints And calm all of our fears. There are times when only a mother’s love Can share the joy we feel When something we’ve dreamed about Quite suddenly is real. There are …
Throwback Thursday: Lifting things up to the Lord, The Kissell Family
From EWTN News Nightly, May 6, 2020 Carson Kissell is a remarkable young man. Despite the fact he suffers from a very painful skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, he always has a smile on his face and has great faith. Carson also broadcasts live on Facebook every day, praying the …
Did you Know? Archbishop McNicholas High School
Archbishop McNicholas High School Archbishop McNicholas High School in Mt. Washington has a public memorial honoring military veterans between its two parking lots. The memorial is used by the American Legion for observances, and the school hosts an annual Veterans Day breakfast for area vets. 5 McNicholas alumni honored by …
Roger Bacon Students Make Most Out of Time at Home
As Roger Bacon High School students adjust to the new reality of online learning and time away from their classmates, teachers and extracurricular activities, many Spartans are finding new ways to reach out to others and serve the community. When she discovered that many nursing homes were beginning to limit …
Reflection from a Senior During COVID-19
by Olivia Lucia Senior at Lehman High School Being a high school senior during the COVID-19 quarantine is frustrating, and not a lot of fun. As a senior, I was looking forward to spending my last few months of high school with my classmates whom I’ve grown with over the …
In PROFILE, Michael Wergers; La Salle Senior Places Trust in God as He Aspires to be President of the United States
by M.D. Pitman La Salle senior Michael Wergers knows what he wants to be when he grows up, but at 6-foot-3, he doesn’t have much actual growing to do. As graduating Lancers prepare to go off to college next year, he was waiting on acceptance letters in early April from …
God Heals: The Church’s long history of caring for the sick
by Rebecca Sontag For nearly 2,000 years, the Catholic Church has been at the forefront of battling pandemics and caring for its victims. COVID-19 is no different. The modern hospital as we know it is a direct result of Jesus’ imperative to the disciples to “heal the sick.” Even the …
Today’s Video: 4 Essentials for Every Catholic
Father Mike Schmitz discusses there are four elements in the soil: 1. Teachings of the Apostles: Magisterial teaching of the Church, Sacred Scripture, and Tradition. 2. Communal Life (Fellowship): It’s not just me praying to Jesus. We need to share life somehow. 3. Breaking of the Bread: This refers to …
Unsung Heroes: Dayton Locals Feed the Need
by Mark Danis COVID-19 is waging war on humanity. Our individual responsibility to respond might cause some to recall a question from a young girl to her father in 1915, ironically, just before the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. “Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?” Twenty years from …