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Visitors from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Soledad with locals in the Diocese of Puerto Escondido, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. (Courtesy Photo)
TWINNING PARISHES 2020 All Saints, Cincinnati – Holy Land Outreach to Promote Education, Palestine Ascension,Dayton – Neustra Senora de La Luz, Peru Fort Recovery Cluster Parish Cluster & St. Anthony, Cold Water Cluster  – Precious Blood Sisters and the Sisters of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Guatemala Guardian …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU As the sun rose on Philadelphia Sept. 27, dozens of pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati arrived on several buses that departed from the Pilarczyk Center in Dayton the night before for the trip of a lifetime — to catch a glimpse of Pope Francis and …

Signs are often tricky and fuzzy. They’re not always such a good tool for helping you make a decision. Let’s be honest: we want shortcuts. We want God to do the hard work and make big decisions for us. Doing God’s will is the purpose of life, but that does …

With a pandemic and societal unrest outside our windows, the anxiety surrounding an unplanned pregnancy is high. The abortion industry has made abortion more accessible from home. But local pro-life organizations are giving hope, support, and confidence to parents who didn’t feel ready to be parents when they first walked …

by Gail Finke It all started at Old St. Mary’s, the archdiocese’s oldest church, located in what is now one of Cincinnati’s hottest urban neighborhoods. Albert Bloomfield was starting a choir to sing the Tridentine Latin Mass, which had been celebrated there for years without music. He wanted the choir …

by Rebecca Sontag “We knew we wanted our part of the celebration to be a day of service,” said Sister Rita Sturwold, SNDdeN. And nothing could be a more fitting contribution from these women and men religious to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s bicentennial celebrations. When the first orders of sisters …

by Susie Bergman Many of us fret over our faults and failures. Our imperfections discourage us and our defeats often break our spirits and cause us to give up hope. But when we look at them in a certain way, we can see the experiences that have been imperfect or …

by Mark Danis “The world is spiritual, but it is also scientific. The more our students today know about science, the better they will contribute to the world they will enter.” This is the expressed motivation for Bob Barthelemy’s generous contribution to Carroll High School’s new STEM Lab. STEM stands …

Look with love on grandparents the world over. Protect them! They are a source of enrichment for families and for all of society. Support them! As they grow older, may they continue to be for their families strong pillars of Gospel faith, guardian of noble domestic ideals, living treasuries of …

Twentieth Century theologian John Courtney Murray, S.J., remains the most important interpreter of the American Catholic experience of citizenship and religious liberty. Featured on the cover of Time magazine in 1960, Father Murray was a chief architect of Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Liberty. In his seminal book, We Hold …