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American Heritage Girls: Respect Life Patch Program Encourages Girls to Support Life in the Community

by Bonny Van When it comes to scouting for girls, there is more to it than friendships, adventure and fun. For members of American Heritage Girls (AHG), there are lessons on life, including a focus on respecting life “from conception to natural death,” according to Patti Garibay, founder of AHG, …
Ohio and Uganda: Liberty Township Parish Forms Relationship with African Parish & School

by Regan Meyer Liberty Township, OH, and Soroti, Uganda, are worlds apart, but a twinning ministry between St. Maximilian Kolbe parish in Ohio and St. Patrick parish in Uganda has shown that distance and language are hardly barriers when it comes to the love of Christ. It all started when …
LIVE! The beatification of Carlo Acutis, Saturday, October 10 10:30 a.m.

EWTN Beatification of Carlo Acutis LIVE! The beatification of Carlo Acutis, Saturday, October 10 10:30 a.m. Carlo Acutis to be beatified Saturday. He is known as the “cyberapostle of the Eucharist”
Global Solidarity: Versailles Communities Support Indigenous People Across the Globe

by Susie Bergman Twinning allows parish communities to connect the commonality of our faith across borders, various ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. These relationships allow parishes from all over the globe to embrace and grow deeper in their understanding of Christ through virtual and in-person development. For more than a decade, …
Job Opening: Catholic Charities Southwest Ohio is currently accepting applications for a Full Time Bilingual Case Worker

Catholic Charities Southwest Ohio is currently accepting applications for a Full Time Bilingual Case Worker—Emergency Assistance Services for Su Casa Hispanic Center. This position will assist Hispanic/Latino individuals, children, and families from low-income backgrounds connect with and gain access to all available benefits, employment, school enrollment, and financial assistance. The …
LIVE! Join us for the Rosary for America Today at 3:00 p.m.

Archbishop José H. Gomez, along with several other bishops, leads us in praying the rosary in a moment of unified prayer for America. On the Feast of the Lady of the Rosary, we seek healing and ask Our Lady to pray for us and help lead us to Jesus.
Paddling Together: Our AOC overseas Missionaries

Missionaries Overseas BARBADOS Cassandra Schemmel CHILE Maruja and Ted Gutmann-Gonzalez Sr. Maria Luisa Miller, CPPS COLUMBIA Father Joseph Deardorff, CPPS ETHIOPIA Sr. Eiaine Kohls, MMS GUATEMALA Sr. Marife Hellman, CPPS Sr. Joyce Kahle, CPPS Sr. Sarah Mulligan, SC Sr. Theresa Wallter, CPPS HAITI Jill Foster JAMAICA Fr. James Bok, OFM …
Paddling together: Our AOC Home Missions

ARIZONA Sr. Zoe Brenner, SBS Fr. Blane Grein, OSF Sr. Joe Schwab, OFM CALIFORNIA Sr. Carol McDonald, MM Fr. Ken Gerth, MCCJ GEORGIA Br. Jason Muhlenkamp, GHM INDIANA Fr. Nam Quoc Joseph Vu, SVD IOWA Br. Michael Decker, SVD KENTUCKY Sr. Marge Eilerman, OSF Sr. Rosemary Esterkamp, GHMS Sr. Susan …
“Paddle” With Us On World Mission Sunday, October 18

In his Mission Sunday message, Pope Francis sees that the whole world is suffering this year from the unexpected, frightening, and deadly COVID-19 pandemic. It is like the Gospel story in which the disciples were also caught off guard and terrified by the storm in their windswept boat on the …
Today’s Video: What is God?

Father Casey: There are many people in the world that believe in “God.” And yet, there are more than a few definitions. As Christians, what do we mean when we say this?