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When I was 19, I traveled to the poorest country on this side of the world. As a middle-class, Midwestern white-kid traveling to Haiti on a mission trip, I had strong faith and missionary zeal, but nothing could have prepared me for the kind of abject poverty I had only …

by Mark Danis Unexpected circumstances can open us to the call the Lord has for our life. Such was the case for Jill and Nick Kingston when they discovered their passion to serve the babies of mothers addicted to drugs, which affects about 80 babies daily in the U.S. In …

Have you ever felt like God really wanted you to do something, but you just weren’t ready for it? Maybe it’s a big life change, a relationship, or a vocation, but there’s something holding you back from saying yes to God’s call.

The Catholic Church has a lot of money and real estate. Why doesn’t it sell it all and give to the poor? Check out Father Casey’s thoughts!

Holy Trinity Church and School (now the 5th Street I-75 South Exit ramp) was my parish, my place of solace. Why?  Because of the missionary zeal of St. Katharine Drexel’s Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament; St. Daniel Comboni’s Missionaries; our parents and the seemingly ever present ethnically-diverse lay evangelists who …

by Susie Bergman When Kris Lee was 15-years-old, he attended Easter Sunday Mass with a close friend. While his life up to this moment had not been void of religious faith – his grandmother was a Pentecostal Minister – it was the first moment he realized something significant had been …

The gift of computers is doing more than providing children with a resource for school or play — at St. Julie Billiart parish in Hamilton, it is also providing children the gift of religious education. But help is needed to make it possible for all children. St. Julie Billiart Parish …

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Bernice Gervais arrived in the U.S. in early 2019, fleeing from war and violence in her native Burundi and hoping for a new, better life. Her mother and siblings soon joined her in Dayton with help from Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley’s (CSSMV) refugee …

Review by Jessica Rinaudo Do you ever find yourself struggling to figure out the best way to pray with your family? Or perhaps you’re in search of a way to mix up the traditional mealtime prayer? I picked up a copy of Bless Us, O Lord: A Family Treasury of …