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Shine On: The Giver of Gifts

Johnny had always wanted to help when his Uncle Mike dressed up as Santa and delivered gifts to kids in need before Christmas. His family collected gift lists from a local hospital or homeless shelter, then they’d get their neighbors or school families to donate gifts. And then, Uncle Mike …
Today’s Video: The Unpleasant Ancestors of Christmas

Tamar, Judah, Solomon, and company are not exactly the ideal ancestors of the King of Kings; but in this video, Father Mike Schmitz shows how God can write straight with crooked lines, even when the line happens to be Jesus’ bloodline.
LIVE! Marco Panuccio presents O Holy Night, Friday, December 11, 8:00 p.m. EDT

Marco Panuccio presents O Holy Night, live broadcast from the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati
Advent Calendar 2020

Friday, November 27 – Thursday, December 31 International Christmas Display, Franciscan Friars Christian Moerlein Events Center, 1621 Moore St., Cincinnati 45202 Fri 4pm-7pm, Sat Noon -7pm, Sun 1pm-7pm A wonderful treat for the family, hundreds of Nativity sets, Miniature London Village, St. Nicholas and Santa Claus scenes, a train and …
A Saint in the Making: Venerable Mother Rosario

A young woman from the Philippines who left behind wealth and privilege to follow God’s call for her is on the path to sainthood. Her great nephew, Dr. Chris Tuell, who lives in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, says the faith-filled example of Mother Rosario Arroyo continues to inspire the people …
Fifteen ways to gain an indulgence in the Year of St. Joseph

by Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Dec 10, 2020 / 08:30 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis has decreed a Year of St. Joseph in which Catholics will have the opportunity to obtain a special plenary indulgence. Until December 2021, there are many new ways that Catholics can receive an indulgence, including …
Pope Francis grants plenary indulgence to Catholics marking Guadalupe feast at home

Vatican City, Dec 10, 2020 / 07:30 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence to Catholics celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at home this Saturday. Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes announced the pope’s decision following a Dec. 6 Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady …
Mount Notre Dame Celebrates 160 Years

Mount Notre Dame High School (MND) enters this school year carrying on a 160-year “tradition of the quality education and growth,” it’s provided since it started as a boarding academy, said the school’s president. And though tradition is important to maintain and instill in the young women of Mount Notre …

On Oct. 3, Pope Francis promulgated the third encyclical of his pontificate, Fratelli Tutti, signed at the tomb of St. Francis on the vigil of the saint’s feast day. The Holy Father takes his title – “All Brothers” – from St. Francis’ Admonitions, a short series of spiritual exhortations to …