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Celebrating World Mission Sunday: Serving the Navajo Nation in Challenging Times
by Eileen Connelly, OSU In describing her ministry to the Navajo people, Sister of the Blessed Sacrament Zoe Brenner simply says, “I’m just doing what God is calling me to do.” But there is much more to it for the Reading, Ohio, native who entered religious life in 1966. Her …
Men for Christ: Annual Eucharistic Procession Through Downtown Cincinnati Unites Men in Public Prayer
by Bonny Van When more than 500 men – fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, religious and faithful – gather in downtown Cincinnati on Sat., Oct. 17, they will be walking with Jesus in the lead for the sixth annual Men’s Holy Name Society Eucharistic Procession. The event, which began in 2015, …
Making Catholic Memories: Rosary Making
The devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary has a very dramatic origin. On October 7, 1571, a small Christian fleet of ships went out to battle the massive Muslim fleet that was dominating the Mediterranean Sea and stood poised to invade Europe. In miraculous fashion, the Christian fleet destroyed …
Mary Anne Boyd: Respect Life Advocate Proud to Share Consistent Message of Life
by John Stegeman In March, Mary Anne Boyd was granted the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Respect Life Award. Boyd had been nominated before, and with 32 years in life-related ministry, it’s no surprise she won. Throughout her career and retirement, she’s worked to spread the message that all life is sacred. …
Brooks Robinson, Oriole legend, buoyed by faith, family, friends
When Lee May cracked a two-bouncer inside the third-base line in game one of the 1970 World Series, Brooks Robinson’s response was nothing short of legendary. Wheeling three paces to his right, Baltimore’s third baseman fielded the ball in foul territory, took two more steps and threw against his momentum. …
American Heritage Girls: Respect Life Patch Program Encourages Girls to Support Life in the Community
by Bonny Van When it comes to scouting for girls, there is more to it than friendships, adventure and fun. For members of American Heritage Girls (AHG), there are lessons on life, including a focus on respecting life “from conception to natural death,” according to Patti Garibay, founder of AHG, …
Ohio and Uganda: Liberty Township Parish Forms Relationship with African Parish & School
by Regan Meyer Liberty Township, OH, and Soroti, Uganda, are worlds apart, but a twinning ministry between St. Maximilian Kolbe parish in Ohio and St. Patrick parish in Uganda has shown that distance and language are hardly barriers when it comes to the love of Christ. It all started when …
LIVE! The beatification of Carlo Acutis, Saturday, October 10 10:30 a.m.
EWTN Beatification of Carlo Acutis LIVE! The beatification of Carlo Acutis, Saturday, October 10 10:30 a.m. Carlo Acutis to be beatified Saturday. He is known as the “cyberapostle of the Eucharist”
Global Solidarity: Versailles Communities Support Indigenous People Across the Globe
by Susie Bergman Twinning allows parish communities to connect the commonality of our faith across borders, various ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. These relationships allow parishes from all over the globe to embrace and grow deeper in their understanding of Christ through virtual and in-person development. For more than a decade, …