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by Susie Bergman Nursing is not only a complicated science, it is a magnificent art. In addition to employing years of scientific training and study, frontline healthcare professionals must also become masters of emotional intelligence. There’s a subtle, yet indistinguishable beauty that emerges when the practice of human empathy, compassion …

The whole of St. Cecilia Church in Oakley is dark, save for hundreds of candles that light the altar. It’s the second Thursday in December, and Queen City Catholic’s Candlelight Mass is being celebrated by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. Before and during Mass both sides of the church house confession …

Aware of their shared commitment to the ministries that put love into action and protect life and human dignity, several archdiocesan agencies and offices have joined their efforts. The new Department of Life, Human Dignity and Charity, includes Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO), Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley …

What’s the big deal with Catholics and the Virgin Mary? Do they worship her or just pray to her? What’s the Annunciation? What’s the Immaculate Conception? What’s the Assumption? All these questions and more answered in TWO Minutes!

Stephen T. Badin High School (Courtesy Photo)
Lesson 14: Organization Consolidation Lesson 13: Archbishop Elder Lesson 12: Setting the stage, new waves of Catholic Immigrants Lesson 11: Chaplains New Lesson 10: The Church and the Civil War Lesson 9: Nativism prejudice against Catholics Lesson 8: The Old Neighborhoods Lesson 7: Cross Tipped Churches Lesson 6: Setting the …

Catholic life in Mercer, Auglaize and Shelby counties is inseparable from its German heritage and the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, both of which continue to leave their mark on the Land of the Cross-Tipped Churches. During the episcopacy of Archbishop John B. Purcell (1833-1883), the archdiocese saw a massive …

WASHINGTON— Each year, National Marriage Week USA and World Marriage Day provide an opportunity for the Catholic Church to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. This year, National Marriage Week USA will be celebrated February 7-14 and …

On Feb. 10, the Catholic Church remembers St. Scholastica, a nun who was the twin sister of St. Benedict, the “father of monasticism” in Western Europe. The siblings were born around 480 to a Roman noble family in Nursia, Italy. Scholastica seems to have devoted herself to God from her …

St. Apollonia was a holy virgin who suffered martyrdom in Alexandria during a local uprising against the Christians in the early 3rd century. During festivities commemorating the founding of the Roman Empire, a mob began attacking Christians. The great Dionysius, then Bishop of Alexandria (247-265), related the sufferings of Apollonia: …