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March 13: St. Roderick

Roderick, also known as Ruderic, was a priest in Cabra, Spain during the persecution of Christians by the Moors. Roderick had two brothers, one was a Muslim and the other was a fallen-away Catholic. One day, he tried to stop an argument between his two brothers. However, his brothers turned …
Catholic at Home: Heavenly Hope for Imperfect Parents

I’m just a few days into a consecration to St. Joseph. In anticipation of handing my merits and shortcomings over to the adoptive father of Jesus, I’m gaining more hope in St. Joseph as a leader, provider and protector of my own heart and family. I feel a pull, an …
Forged in Flood: Dayton’s St. Joseph Church founded in 1847 despite record-setting-flood

On Jan. 2, 1847, at 2:00 in the morning, the bells in Dayton rang out signaling another historic flood was deluging the city. The Mad and Miami Rivers crested and broke through their levees. The East Side was completely flooded and a contractor responsible for the construction of Dayton’s newest …
A Dad’s Parting Wisdom and Spiritual Fatherhood

In his Apostolic Letter Patris Corde, Pope Francis describes St. Joseph as a beloved father; a tender and loving father; an obedient and accepting father; a working father who was creatively courageous; and, finally, as the “shadow of the Father,” reflecting the Eternal Fatherhood of God. Priests are also called …
March 11: St. Sophronius

A courageous leader of the Jerusalem Church during the Islamic conquests of the seventh century, Patriarch Saint Sophronius I has his liturgical memorial on March 11. Though he is acknowledged and celebrated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, St. Sophronius is more commonly venerated among Eastern Catholics and …
Percy Stricklin: Church of the Resurrection Parishioner and Father Serves as Family and Community Role Model

Keeping God first. For Percy Stricklin, that’s the key to living his vocation as a loving husband, father and committed Catholic, and it’s a choice he affirms daily. “Every morning when I wake up, I immediately focus on God,” he explained. “It sets the tone for the day. Even though …
March 10: St. John Ogilvie

March 10 is the liturgical memorial of Saint John Ogilvie, a 16th- and 17th-century Scotsman who converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, served as a Jesuit priest, and died as a martyr at the hands of state officials. St. John was executed for treason, refusing to accept King James I’s claim …
Ways to celebrate Dad

March 19 is the Feast of St. Joseph, sometimes referred to as St. Joseph’s Day. This Feast of St. Joseph is extra special because it is also the Year of St. Joseph. With all of this St. Joseph-ness going on, it’s a great time to take a look at how …
Deaf Ministry: Newly-Formed Archdiocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities Seeks to Make the Sacraments More Accessible

Imagine being a Catholic in need of confession but being told no priests in the area speak your language. Consider the same scenario for weddings and baptisms. Would you feel welcome as a parishioner if your entire sacramental life were administered through interpreters? Such is the life of deaf Catholics …