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A Catholic guide to March Madness 2021

by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Mar 17, 2021 / 04:00 am MT (CNA).- Last year, the official NCAA Basketball tournament–”March Madness”–was canceled and replaced by a decidedly less fun March “madness” of shopping for toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and other pandemic supplies. But the real March Madness is back–finally. And …
The Year of St. Joseph

In March 2020, the world as we knew it came to a stop with little time to prepare. However, through faith, initial fear turned into action and acceptance of how we must change going forward. Such fear and anxiety surely gripped St. Joseph when God called him to take Mary …
Go to St. Joseph: Resources and Spiritual Advice for Husbands and Fathers during the year of St. Joseph.

POPE FRANCIS DECLARED A YEAR DEVOTED TO ST. JOSEPH. The Holy Father is telling the Church, especially those of us who are husbands and fathers, to “go to Joseph.” In our noisy secular culture how can we learn from St. Joseph who does not a speak a single word in …
Mass on St. Patrick’s Day, St. Patrick Cathedral, New York

Celebrant – H.E. Timothy Cardinal Dolan Cantor – Carla Wesby
Looking Back Happy St. Patrick’s Day: A look back at the 2018 parade and removal of St. Patrick’s statue

From the Staff of The Catholic Telegraph: Happy St. Patrick’s Day The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Cincinnati Seranade
St. Patrick’s Day: A podcast and a prayer!

Travel with us to 17th-18th century Ireland to learn about how Catholicism was nearly stamped out in Ireland…and how Catholics emerged stronger than before. St. Patrick’s Breastplate Christ be with me, Christ within me Christ behind me, Christ before me Christ beside me, Christ to win me Christ to comfort …
Job Opening: Social Media Coordinator – Archdiocese of Cincinnati

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Pastoral Center is seeking the qualified candidate for the position of Social Media Coordinator. The Social Media Coordinator is responsible for reaching and growing defined target audiences with bold, joyful, and beautiful digital content, consistent with the respective online strategies of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, The …
Job Opening: St. Vincent dePaul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati District Council (SVDP) has been providing innovative and practical basic needs assistance and systemic change advocacy for Cincinnati neighbors in need for over 150 years. The organization works personally with those in need throughout Hamilton County, regardless of race or creed, …
March 15: St. Louise de Marillac

St. Louise de Marillac was born on August 15, 1591 near the town of Meux, France. Louise received an education from the Dominican convent at Poissy and eventually discerned that she was called to religious life. After consulting her confessor concerning her plans to enter the religious life, Louise decided …
Live! 24 Hours for the Lord: 40 Hours Devotion Closing Mass: Saturday March 13, 4:15 p.m. EST

24 Hours for the Lord: 40 Hours Devotion Closing Mass: Saturday March 13, 4:15 p.m. EST The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C., is a Catholic church dedicated to the Blessed Mother, patroness of our nation. It is a place of worship, pilgrimage, evangelization, …