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March 11: St. Sophronius
A courageous leader of the Jerusalem Church during the Islamic conquests of the seventh century, Patriarch Saint Sophronius I has his liturgical memorial on March 11. Though he is acknowledged and celebrated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, St. Sophronius is more commonly venerated among Eastern Catholics and …
Percy Stricklin: Church of the Resurrection Parishioner and Father Serves as Family and Community Role Model
Keeping God first. For Percy Stricklin, that’s the key to living his vocation as a loving husband, father and committed Catholic, and it’s a choice he affirms daily. “Every morning when I wake up, I immediately focus on God,” he explained. “It sets the tone for the day. Even though …
March 10: St. John Ogilvie
March 10 is the liturgical memorial of Saint John Ogilvie, a 16th- and 17th-century Scotsman who converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, served as a Jesuit priest, and died as a martyr at the hands of state officials. St. John was executed for treason, refusing to accept King James I’s claim …
Ways to celebrate Dad
March 19 is the Feast of St. Joseph, sometimes referred to as St. Joseph’s Day. This Feast of St. Joseph is extra special because it is also the Year of St. Joseph. With all of this St. Joseph-ness going on, it’s a great time to take a look at how …
Deaf Ministry: Newly-Formed Archdiocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities Seeks to Make the Sacraments More Accessible
Imagine being a Catholic in need of confession but being told no priests in the area speak your language. Consider the same scenario for weddings and baptisms. Would you feel welcome as a parishioner if your entire sacramental life were administered through interpreters? Such is the life of deaf Catholics …
AOC Bicentennial: in honor of “his divine name”
What is the secret which enables the Catholic Church to hold together such staunch Catholic men to the number of more than one and a half million in the Holy Name Society alone? They believe that Christ is divine, and that He is really and truly present in the Holy …
March 6: St. Colette
St. Colette was the founder of the Colettine Poor Clares (Clarisses) Colette was born January 13, 1381 as the daughter of a carpenter named DeBoilet at Corby Abbey in Picardy, France. Orphaned at seventeen, she distributed her inheritance to the poor. She became a Franciscan tertiary, and lived at Corby …
March 5: St. John Joseph of the Cross
Self-denial is never an end in itself but is only a help toward greater charity—as the life of Saint John Joseph shows. John Joseph was very ascetic even as a young man. He devoted himself even at his youngest years to a life of poverty and fasting. At 16 he …
a Global Perspective: A Conversation With the Apostolic Nuncio, ARCHBISHOP CHRISTOPHE PIERRE
by Jessica Rinaudo It’s not every day that the apostolic nuncio, the Vatican’s ambassador to the U.S., visits Cincinnati. But in November, Father Earl Fernandes, his former assistant at the nunciature, invited him to make the trip to Southwestern Ohio from Washington, D.C. During his visit, Archbishop Christophe Pierre took …
Be not afraid: A priest shares his thoughts on the gift of confession
Father John “Rob” Jack, who teaches systematic theology at the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, is well known for encouraging and hearing confession at every parish he travels to and in his many parish missions, recorded talks, and programs for Sacred Heart Radio. He shared the …