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How to Question Your Faith Well
The Catholic Church loves questions, but are we asking them for the right reasons? One of our Doctors of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, is known for asking the hardest questions we have for our faith. His summa is a book full of them, and some of the greatest saints …
Live! Fourth Sunday of Easter Mass
Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, Sunday, April 25, 11:00 a.m. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.,, Sunday, April 25, 11:45 a.m. Cuarto Domingo de Pascua, The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C, Sunday April 25, …
St. X’s Mothers Club
Mothers Club leaders, Cindy Sizemore and Kate Feldman, have done an outstanding job of adjusting traditions during COVID-19. The club has offered new social and spiritual opportunities to its members, while continuing to serve the St. Xavier High School (St. X) community. Mothers Club members created packets for each Freshman …
Photo Essay: Celebrating our newly ordained Deacons!
The Archdiocese welcomed Seven newly ordained Deacons today. Deacon Chibueze Astegbulem Deacon Robert Hale Deacon Ethan Hoying Deacon Stephen Jones Deacon Jacob Lundle Deacon Uriel Santos Deacon Michael Willig Transitional deacons are seminary students in the process of becoming ordained priests. They serve as deacons for one year and are …
April 24: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
A former lawyer who left his profession to become a Capuchin Franciscan priest, Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen has his liturgical memorial on April 24. Fidelis’ life bridged the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a time of religious conflict in Western Europe. He died at the hands of a mob while preaching …
Live! Transitional Diaconate Ordination, Saturday, April 24 at 11:00 a.m.
Live from the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrates the Transitional Diaconate Ordination of: Chibueze Asiegbulem, Robert Hale, Ethan Hoying, Stephen Jones, Jacob Lindle, Uriel Santos, and Michael Willig
Cardinal Wyszynski, Poland’s ‘Primate of the Millennium,’ to be beatified in September
CNA Staff, Apr 23, 2021 / 06:13 am America/Denver (CNA). The beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the former Primate of Poland who heroically resisted communism, will take place on Sunday, Sept. 12. Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz announced April 23 that the beatification ceremony would be held in the Polish capital, Warsaw, …
Catholic Priest: Can Science be Trusted?
Father Casey looks how Science allows us the ability to study and understand the world around us, providing incredible advances that improve human life. But it’s not the only–or even best–way to truth.
Year of Saint Joseph Action Steps: Two Feet of Love in Action
Catholic disciples on mission are called to put Two Feet of Love in Action! This foundational tool describes two distinct, but complementary, ways we can put the Gospel in action in response to God’s love: social justice (addressing systemic, root causes of problems that affect many people) and charitable works …