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Rosary Men
The average person spends a third of their life at work. For a believer in Jesus, time at work isn’t supposed to be time out from faith. Rosary Men is a movement, founded by Joe Kruessel, Todd Uterstaedt and Michael Whelan, to bring faith into the workplace. The idea is …
Pilgrimage Accomodations
As members of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati prepare to participate in the 33-day Marian Pilgrimage, the archdiocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities, in connection with the Center for the New Evangelization, are ensuring all who want to participate in the pilgrimage may do so. “It is incredibly important for the …
Southwestern Ohio’s Saintly Visitors
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla (future Pope John Paul II) • In late summer 1976, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla visited the U.S. for a Eucharistic Congress and lectured at several universities. He stopped in Cincinnati to meet with Archbishop Joseph Bernardin, who at that time was the president of the National Conference of …
AOC Bicentennial: the society of mary in dayton
Dayton was surveyed and platted in 1796. Following the War of 1812 and the completion of the Miami and Erie Canals in 1829, Dayton began to thrive. Emmanuel Parish established the first Catholic Church in Dayton in 1837. As with many churches in “mission” territory, it served as a base …
May 12: St. Epiphanius of Salamis
On May 12 the Catholic Church honors Saint Epiphanius of Salamis, an early monk, bishop and Church Father known for his extensive learning and defense of Catholic teachings in the fourth century. During a 2007 visit with the Orthodox Archbishop of Cyprus, Pope Benedict XVI praised Epiphanius as “a good …
Rooted in Twin Towers
Rooted in Twin Towers; Dayton’s Mission of Mary Cooperative by Kary Ellen Berger In the Twin Towers neighborhood of east Dayton lies a well-kept secret: the Mission of Mary Cooperative. Founded more than 10 years ago, the organization was created by recent University of Dayton (UD) graduates who wanted to …
May 11: St. Ignatius of Laconi
St. Ignatius of Laconi was a Capuchin Friar. He was born in 1701 and died in 1781. He was canonized 1951 by Pius XII. Born the second of seven children in a poor farming family, Francis Ignatius Vincent Peis was so named because his safe delivery through a difficult pregnancy …
Is it Time to Come Back?
Many have been away from the Church for a while. Maybe it’s time to come back.
May 8: St. Peter of Tarantaise, bishop
Peter was born near Vienne, France in 1102 and died at Bellevaux, France in 1175. He was canonized in 1191. At the age of 20 he entered the Cistercian Order, and convinced his family to enter along with him. His two brothers and his father entered the religious community of …
Let’s Celebrate Mom
We all show love in different ways. When thinking about how to honor the mother figures in your life this Mother’s Day, consider the five love languages. They can be a helpful starting point to direct you to the perfect gift. What’s your mother’s love language? Unsure? Think about how …