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KATHERINE, TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF! I grew up in Mason, OH, and I have a big family – I’m one of seven kids – and my siblings are my best friends. I just graduated from the University of Cincinnati this past spring with a major in Electronic …

Msgr. Martin Gilligan (1914-1993) • Ordained in 1939 in Rome, Father Martin Gilligan was “loaned” to the Archdiocese of St. Augustine, FL, before serving the U.S. Navy as a chaplain during World War II. • Following the war, Gilligan was sent to Rome to assist in the Vatican Information Service …

This article is the second in a series of reflections on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” In Theology of the Body (TOB), Pope St. Pope John Paul II sought to answer difficult, contemporary questions pertaining to marriage and sexual ethics. However, in order to do so, …

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for August The Church Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, As we celebrate the bicentennial anniversary of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, we give thanks to our generous God for the many blessings He has bestowed on us and look forward with expectant faith to what is to come. Much has changed in our archdiocese …

Several verses in the Bible allude to whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. For Father Sean Wilson, his dedication to prayer and faith led to his priestly ordination five years ago. Father Wilson noted that becoming a priest started as an idea, slowly becoming …

On July 31, the Universal Church marks the feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Spanish saint is known for founding the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, as well as for creating the “Spiritual Exercises” often used today for retreats and individual discernment. St. Ignatius was …

From the initial moments of life until death, children pay close attention to their parents’ attitudes, approaches and passions. They take on our personality traits and values not by formal instruction, but from just watching us. Our kids will learn how important faith is according to how we live it. …

Fr. Mike is at the library of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, and he’s answering the most asked questions about priests and the priesthood—according to the internet. He answers great questions like: – Do priests get paid? – Do Catholic priests get married? – Do priests pay taxes? – …