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Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for April 2025

For the use of the new technologies Let us pray that the use of the new technologies will not replace human relationships, will respect the dignity of the person, and will help us face the crises of our times.
The Virtue of Noise-Fasting

In the summer of 2017, I attended a 10-day silent retreat—the first of many, with the longest spanning 33 days. This first retreat introduced me to the unmitigated power of God that comes to us in silence. Vivid dreams filled those ten nights, and long-forgotten memories surfaced in daytime prayer—a …
Lenten Reflections 2025

March 30 – Fourth Sunday of Lent Readings: Joshua 5:9a, 10-12; Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Invitation to prayer: Lord, we praise you and are most thankful for your mercy. Open our hearts to receive you, and guide us to share you with all of …
Stations in the Spring: Faith in the Fields of Carthagena

Spring is always a time of renewal, which we see in nature as the days get warmer and the grass turns greener. Catholics enter a period of spiritual renewal, often through prayerful meditation, as Lent begins, then culminates in the celebration of new life at Easter. Meditation on our Lord’s …
The Church of Baseball

The 1988 film Bull Durham opens with a voiceover by a main character, Annie Savoy, rhapsodizing about the beauty of baseball. “I believe in the church of baseball,” Annie begins, followed by a rather dubious inventory of gurus and other religions she has tried to follow. After a brief soliloquy …
Brent Suter: Earth MVP

Cincinnati Reds’ pitcher, Brent Suter, drew great fanfare when he returned to his hometown after playing for the Milwaukee Brewers and Colorado Rockies. Currently in his ninth year with Major League Baseball, the Moeller High School and Harvard University grad finds real joy in playing ball with a “great group …
Field of Hopes and Dreams: How Cincinnati missionaries helped build a ballfield in Venezuela

By Walt Schaefer Missionaries, the Cincinnati Reds, the Venezuelan Air Force. A number of improbable things came together in 1990 to create Davey Concepción Field in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. • Cincinnatian Mike Gable, his wife, Kathy, and their four young sons had been assigned to serve as lay Maryknoll missioners in …
The Journey to Cincinnati

Dear friends, As I drove from Chicago to Cincinnati on the day before the announcement of Archbishop Schnurr’s retirement and my appointment as the next Archbishop of Cincinnati, my thoughts turned toward the journey ahead. I found myself not only considering the immediate journey of the coming weeks, as I …
The Spousal Meaning of the Body – Fulfilled in Virginity?

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). Responding to the Sadducees, Jesus said, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, but those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age and to …
Out and About in the Archdiocese of March 2025

1) Seton Honors Sisters of Charity The Sisters of Charity were honored guests at Seton High School in Cincinnati on Jan. 15, 2025, as the school celebrated the Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The day began with Mass, followed by lunch. This cherished tradition highlighted the enduring bond and …