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Sunday Scripture: Above all else, put love
Thursday, December 23, 2010 By Sister Betty J. Lillie, S.C. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: Sirach 3:2-7,12-14; Psalm 128:1-5; Colossians 3:12-17; Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 A beautiful part of the Christmas traditions is the visitof the Magi to the Holy Family. That comes in Matthew’s Gospel just before …
The Catholic Moment: What keeps me Catholic – the liturgical year
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 By Mike Daley As a teacher, much of my focus and attention is framed by two dates – the first and last day of the school year. In addition to that, rather than months or seasons, I divide my year into quarters and semesters.
The Catholic Moment: Duc in altum
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 By Father Earl Fernandes Duc in altum. “Put out into the deep” (Luke 5:4). Jesus’ words served as the beginning and end of Pope John Paul II’s apostolic letter Novo Millenio Ineunte, which he wrote to close the Great Jubilee. The Holy Father challenged the whole …
Sunday Scripture: His name shall be called Emmanuel
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 By Sister Betty J. Lillie, S.C. Fourth Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 7:10-14; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-24 Without a doubt the Advent season is a time of great excitement and busyness for all who await the coming of the Christmas celebration. Our readings this week begin and …
The Catholic Moment: Angels I have heard . . . down low
Dec. 10, 2010 By Jeanne Hunt I ran into an angel the other day. I don’t mean a human being who is a good person. I mean a real, card-carrying angel. You know, ethereal beings of light that are here to help us. It was in the mall. …
The Catholic Moment: The prophetess Anna as a model for Advent
Dec. 3, 2010 By Father Kyle Schnippel “There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left …
Sunday Scripture: A new day dawns
Dec. 1, 2010 By Terrance Callan First Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:37-44 With this Sunday we begin the season of Advent, our time of preparation for Christmas. The readings for Advent speak about the coming of Christ. They recall the first coming of Jesus about 2000 …
What keeps me Catholic: Social justice
Nov. 26, 2010 By Mike Daley If the Catholic tradition is known for anything, it’s the truths (always rooted in the person of Jesus the Christ) that it proclaims. Some, necessarily, are more foundational than others. For example, perhaps the central theological truth Catholics believe in is a triune …
The Catholic Moment: Walk while you have the light
Nov. 19, 2010 By Father Earl Fernandes November is a month for remembering and praying for our beloved dead. My maternal grandparents died before I was born. My paternal grandfather died when I was five, and my grandmother died last year. All my aunts and uncles on my mother’s …
More than 1,000 prepare to enter church at Easter Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion celebrations Feb. 21 marked the start of final preparations for 1,049 people who are planning to join the church at Easter. The celebrations were held in Dayton and Cincinnati. During the celebrations, sponsors …