Posts In Category
The Catholic Moment: Spousal love and priestly celibacy
February 4, 2011 By Father Kyle Schnippel In the early parts of his papacy, Pope John Paul II delivered a series of Wednesday catechesis talks on spousal love. Built on his reflections of the first chapters of the Book of
Nurturing students in the Light of God – Letter from Dr. Jim Rigg
January 28, 2011 Dear friends of Catholic education, Last fall New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan published an article in the journal America titled “The Catholic Schools We Need.” In this article, he acknowledged the many challenges facing Catholic schools in today’s world. He described the incalculable value of our …
Sunday Scripture: Our key to happiness
January 28, 2011 By Father Timothy Schehr Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Zephaniah 2:3-3:13; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Matthew 5:1-12 What is our key to happiness? Jesus has the answer in the readings for this Sunday. We will immediately recognize it as the beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount.
The Catholic Moment: What keeps me Catholic? The priesthood
January 27, 2011 By Michael Daley I know you’ve heard them, maybe even passed them along.
Sunday Scripture: Rallying around the Lord
Thursday, January 20, 2011 By Father Timothy P. Schehr Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Isaiah 8:23-9:3; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; Matthew 4:12-23 How many of us could rattle off with ease the names of the 12 sons of Jacob? We would probably come up with Judah, Joseph and Benjamin right away. …
The Catholic Moment: On being pro-life
Thursday, January 20, 2011 By Father Earl Fernandes To be pro-life is to think of others. Thinking of others, rather than thinking just of one’s self, is a first step in growing toward moral maturity. In December, Pope Benedict XVI’s interview with journalist Peter Seewald was published as Light of …
Sunday Scripture: What did Jesus look like?
January 14, 2011 By Father Timothy Schehr Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Isaiah 49:3-6; 1 Corinthians 1:1-3; John 1:29-34 What did Jesus look like? The answer to that question seems obvious. We have all seen plenty of representations the Lord. We have seen the Lord in paintings, church windows and …
The Catholic moment: What’s for supper, Grandpa?
January 12, 2011 By Jeanne Hunt There was a country television program years ago called “Hee Haw” in which the audience asked the question, “Hey, Grandpa, what’s for supper?”Grandpa would come to the window of his house and reel off a delicious menu. “Southern fried chicken, mashed potatoes and …
Sunday Scripture: The lessons of baptism
January 5, 2011 By Timothy P. Schehr Baptism of the Lord: Isaiah 42:1-7; Acts 10:34-38;Matthew 3:13-17 Many of us have no memory of baptism. We see it only infaded photographs taken by proud parents or other family members. But thisfeast of the Baptism of the Lord offers us the chance …
The Catholic Moment – Prayer, the heart of vocation
January 4, 2011 By Father Kyle Schnippel “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught His disciples.” The apostles had witnessed the deep communion that existed between Jesus and His heavenly Father, and, as holiness does, it attracted them. Seeing that peace that comes from that personal connection, they wanted …