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The Catholic Moment: A conversation with God
November 4, 2011 By Father Earl Fernandes My last name has been butchered more times than I care to count. Most often it is misspelled as Fernandez. I have also been called Hernandez, Rodriguez, and most recently, Gonzalez. One parishioner calls me Speedy after the famous cartoon character, because I …
The Catholic Moment: Foolish virgin foster child
October 21, 2011 By Jeanne Hunt If anyone should be nominated for the Foolish Virgins Society poster child, I’m your woman. I have run out of oil so many times, it’s not funny. It comes from convincing myself that I have more oil than I really do.
The Catholic Moment: The diamonds in the rough
October 21, 2011 By Father Kyle Schnippel Liturgically, November is certainly my favorite month. Beginning with the two great celebrations of All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day and usually concluding with the start of the new liturgical year, there are many things to celebrate. We are naturally called to …
Opening our hearts to the Roman Missal: an introductory letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
October 21, 2011 Dear Friends in Christ, As we enter into the month of November, we remember our loved ones who have gone home to their eternal resting place. This year, we also enter a time of immediate preparation for the reception of the Roman Missal, Third Edition.
Welcoming the Roman Missal, Third Edition
October 21, 2011 By Karen Kane Over the past few years, Worship Offices all over the United States have been preparing their dioceses for the reception of the English translation of the Roman Missal, Third Edition.
Sunday Scripture: Give to God what belongs to God
October 16, 2011 By Timothy P Schehr Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Isaiah 45:1-6; Psalm 96; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Matthew 22:15-21 Some Pharisees apparently thought they had a really good plan to get Jesus in trouble with the emperor of Rome. They had been irritated ever since Jesus told that …
Catholic Family Fuel: It comes down to prayer
October 12, 2011 By Sean Reynolds God, do you ever lose sleep over your children? I do. I’ve got one who struggles for Cs in school: what kind of future is out there for him? I’ve got another with a chemical imbalance that makes her crazy sometimes. Thank God for …
Sunday Scripture: An invitation to the kingdom of God
October 9, 2011 By Father Timothy P. Schehr Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Isaiah 25:6-10a; Psalm 23; Philippians 4:12-20; Matthew 22:1-14 Wedding invitations are so special they are easy to spot in a stack of mail. They are often layered with enclosures, the details prominently displayed in embossed ink on …
Catholic Moment: Pray unceasingly
September 26, 2011 By Father Earl Fernandes If I had a nickel for every time someone told me they were distracted during prayer or at Mass, I would be a wealthy priest! St. Paul instructs the Thessalonians to pray unceasingly (1 Thessalonians 5:17). How difficult, seemingly impossible, that is! Maximus …
Catholic Moment: Halloween light
September 26, 2011 By Jeanne Hunt In a world where Halloween is running a close second behind Christmas for most popular holiday, what I have to say is going to sound like I’m raining on the parade. It’s just that the last thing we need to do to our kids …