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Put to the Test
My wife and I attended Mass on a typical Sunday many years ago, but what happened that day was not typical—in fact, it changed our lives. Our pastor invited a parishioner, Joe, to share a personal witness about the importance of sacrificial giving. Until then, I thought people gave to …
Why is it Hard to Talk About Stewardship?
I kept asking myself that question as I endeavored to write this column. Maybe it’s the thought of asking for something (even though we voluntarily and willingly give on a monthly basis). Maybe it’s because talking about money often makes people uncomfortable. In my quest to think more about stewardship …
Busca al Senor
![Archbishop Schnurr in prayer at the Statewide Day of Adoration for Vocation (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)](
En la mañana de Navidad, en la oración de apertura para la Misa de la Aurora, le pedimos a Dios que permita que la luz de la fe, que irradia del Verbo encarnado, brille en nuestras obras. Esta oración nos recuerda una hermosa verdad: el don de nuestra fe no …
The Separation of Church and State
A few weeks ago, a rather angry woman accosted me after Mass on a Sunday because I had spoken about Issue 1 during part of my homily. “Separation of Church and State!!” she yelled as she waved her finger at me. So I’d like to start my reflection there: separation …
Pregnancy Care Centers: An Antidote to Fear
Every day a scared pregnant woman walks into one of Ohio’s 130 pregnancy help centers. She may not have told a soul she is pregnant, or she may have already been scolded that she is too young, too poor, or too incompetent to parent. She may bring the baby’s father, …
Seek the Lord for November 2023
In his encyclical Evangelium Vitae on the value and inviolability of human life, Pope St. John Paul II speaks about God’s call for each person to share in the fullness of life for all eternity with Him. Even during our life in this temporal, physical world, we participate in the …
OP ED: All Human Life is Sacred, From Conception to Natural Death
An expectant mother can face many challenges, including lack of support from the father, financial strains, concerns about her own health and that of her child and pressures from family and friends. Every woman should be able to depend upon a community of support. That is why Catholic social service …
Busca Al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr
En su encíclica Evangelium Vitae sobre el valor y la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, el Papa San Juan Pablo II habla del llamado de Dios a cada persona a compartir la plenitud de la vida por toda la eternidad con Él. Incluso durante nuestra vida en este mundo físico …
Guest Commentary: Artisans of the culture of life
by Sister Constance Veit, lsp Each October the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month as a time to focus on the protection of God’s precious gift of human life. The theme of the month varies from year to year, but it usually concentrates our attention on …
Seek the Lord for October 2023
In the Gospel according to St. John, Jesus emphasizes that He came so we might have fullness of life (cf. Jn. 10:10). Most significantly through His Paschal Mystery, but also through every aspect of His life, Jesus worked for our good so that we might have life in abundance, both …