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By Steve Trosley Mom was certain the world was soon to end.

By Father Earl Fernandes “Are you a faithful citizen?” was a headline on the front page of recent Catholic Telegraph.

By Mike Daley Though we know better, it seems to happen every presidential election cycle.

By Jeanne Hunt It’s early November, and I’m driving a loaner while my car is at the mechanic.

By Father Timothy P. Schehr First Sunday of Advent: Jeremiah 33:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2; Luke 21:25-26 On the liturgical calendar this Sunday marks the start of a new year.Yet as we listen to the Gospel for this first Sunday of Advent, we hear Jesus telling His disciples not about beginnings …

By Sister Betty Jane Lillie, SC Thirty-Fourth or Last Sunday of Ordinary Time: Daniel 7:13-14; Psalm 93:1-2, 5; Revelation 1:5-8; John 18:33b-37 This glorious feast that is the crown of the liturgical year calls our attention to the ultimate sovereignty of Jesus Christ. 

November 1, 2012 By Jeanne Hunt It’s Nov. 2 and I have eaten the last of the Milk Duds, Candy Corn, Hershey bars and Mary Jane candy. Sister Mary Walburga has just blown the whistle for fifth grade recess. The fifth grade girls are on a mission: Sister told us …

November 1, 2012 By Michael Daley Though some may see this as a pathetic attempt to ingratiate myself to my editor, I’m actually serious. The Catholic press helps keep me Catholic. Perhaps even more importantly, I have it to thank for my wife June.   Back in the summer of …

November 1, 2012 By Fr. Kyle Schnippel Why does the church exist? Such a simple question, but such a variety of possibilities for answer. While it is true the church exists to perpetuate the sacraments, to continue Christ’s mission on Earth, to educate the youth; all seem to be possible …

November 1, 2012 By Steve Trosley Anyone who has played baseball or softball can tell you what it feels when he or she hits a ball squarely with the bat. It has its own feeling and sound. You instinctively know you did something right.