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The following is a letter from Sean Reynolds, Director of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry Something remarkable happened this past June 1.  After eighteen months of hard work, on the heels of nearly two years of consultations,  the Archdiocesan Youth Athletics Task Force reached consensus on its …

There are many milestones in life where we celebrate the individual. Graduation day is filled with a sense of accomplishment. When you get a promotion at work, or accomplish a long project, it’s easy it say “I did it!”

American journalists have long lobbied for what has become known as a shield law. A shield law would protect reporters and editors from having to reveal sources that have supplied information for stories anonymously, or as those in the business say, without attribution.

Bear with me if this column is a bit of a departure from my usual style and topic. I’m a bit preoccupied, you see, as my son is due to be born July 22.

“Honey moon, keep a-shinin’ in June” are lyrics from an old love song our great-grandparents sang. The musical sentiment advised us that the month of June is a great time to rekindle the passion of honeymoon days. So, how’s that going at your house?

The dog days of summer are hitting, fast.  School is out, vacations are happening, The pace of life seems to slow down.  Even in the Church, there are a few important feasts that are celebrated throughout the summer months, but we begin our long, slow slog through Ordinary Time with …

Dear Father: My faith is challenged. I have heard Church teaching on the death penalty but struggle to believe that some don’t deserve it. Shouldn’t someone like Dr. Kermit Gosnell receive the death penalty? Dear Reader: Our faith is sometimes challenged in the face of unspeakable crimes against humanity like …

First Communion Sunday. It had been anticipated in our house for some months. Of course, there were the preparations at school. These culminated one evening where a dinner was held during which the story of Israel’s Passover from slavery into freedom was connected with Jesus’ Last Supper at which the …

Rather than detail the changes and the timing of the changes coming this summer for our The Catholic Telegraph readers, we’re going to wait for you to tell us what you see. When I became editor of one small city newspaper, I decided to streamline the TV guide. The TV …

There are many different studies that scientifically prove a strong spiritual base tends to get one through difficult times. Individuals with major health issues tend to do better with faith. In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus even tells us, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will …