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What keeps me Catholic? Smell, noise, mess, & crazy
What Keeps Me Catholic? September 2013 Recently, in addition to the four classic marks of the church — one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, Pope Francis has offered four other traits for consideration and actualization — smelly, crazy, messy, and noisy. At first glance, for reasons of personal hygiene and social …
Can’t name the 10 commandments? This is pitiful
Catholic Thoughts, September 2013 This is pitiful! Recently, an archdiocesan priest was teaching a class for catechetical certification for teachers and volunteers. The class included 28 Catholic schoolteachers. To change things up a bit, Father thought it would be fun to randomly ask the teachers a few questions of faith. …
Local prep athletes, remember the Pope’s words
September, 2013 The end of August and beginning of September means the fall sports season — particularly the high school football season — is here. The lessons that sports can teach apply across all types of competition, including all of Ohio’s high school fall sports. Cross country can teach endurance …
Perfection possible, but not on our own
August 2013 I don’t know what time it was on July 2 that Cincinnati Reds pitcher Homer Bailey walked San Francisco Giant’s center fielder Gregor Blanco, but I knew it was coming. My sister, Karyn, and I jinxed it. The walk came in the seventh inning. Bailey was on fire. …
Young woman reflects on recent Ursuline gathering
Commentary by Maryann Hudak I walked up to the microphone at the front of the ballroom, holding my notebook in the crook of my arm. It was Saturday, July 6, the second full day of the North American Ursuline Convocation at the Crowne Plaza in Cincinnati, and ideas were continuing …
How to survive an interfaith marriage
In days gone by, Catholics married Catholics. That was the bottom line. In fact, most Catholics did not even attend weddings of other faiths. We were encouraged to marry Catholics, and woe to anyone if he or she fell in love with a Protestant, much less a Hindu, Muslim, or …
Are the Baltimore Catechism and Catechism of the Catholic Church the same?
Dear Father: I was wondering about your June answer in the Telegraph concerning the church’s position on capital punishment. Primarily my question is on the Baltimore Catechism, which I studied under the good sisters, and the quotations you spelled out in your article, among other things. Are these the same? …
Pope Francis spoke, secular media heard something else
Editor’s Note: The following commentary appeared today on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati blog, “Being Catholic.” The post was written by Dan Andriacco, veteran Director of Communications for the archdiocese. “Being Catholic” is located on the internet at As a former journalist with 24 years as a reporter and editor …
What keeps me Catholic? Glenmary
When it comes to practicing my faith, I’ll admit it, I’m spoiled. Living in Cincinnati, there’s still a Catholic church within a short drive (even walk) of our homes. Educational opportunities at the parish, high school, and college level are numerous. Summer brings an abundance of festivals. Lent ushers in …
Putting our true face forward
I have a bit of a reputation for being a ‘social media’ priest. I post on Twitter (@FatherSchnippel) fairly frequently, and lurk through the pages of Facebook on a regular basis as well. (Confession: I still do not get Instagram.) Recently on Twitter, I saw this tweet from Christina Mead …