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Recently, while working in a parish to get the public school kids to sign up for Sunday morning religion classes, a young mom looked at me with a face of a woman about to panic. Overwhelmed, she said, “I can’t manage one more thing. We had three soccer games this …

As I write this, I am currently attending the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors convention in Dallas. It is a week of formation, learning, friendship and sharing of stories regarding how the work of vocations is going across the country.

It’s a sight that fills every cradle Catholic with dread: Walking into church for Mass the first few pews are not only filled, but nicely dressed people are seated in them. Trouble. Something’s not right. Looking more closely the culprit is spied—a baby. Infant Baptism. Are you kidding me? Mass …

Question: Why do Catholics care about the difference between a natural and a Sacramental Marriage? Answer: With all the confusion these days about what constitutes a marriage, it’s no wonder that there is further puzzlement when we speak of marriages as sacramental.

Newspaper and media content in general is based a lot on milestones. In days past, everyone could count on the “free” publication of a birth announcement, engagement and wedding announcements and their obituary.Often, you could get certain life milestones such as anniversaries – 25th, 50th, etc. – published and celebrating …

By Father Tim Schehr 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Amos 8:4-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-8; Luke 16:1-13 Amos is a favorite among the Minor Prophets. His vivid images and powerful words make his oracles especially memorable.

By Father Timothy Schehr Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Wisdom 9:13-18; Philemon 9-17; Luke 14:25-33 As we hear Jesus speak in this Sunday’s Gospel, we may well wonder if he was at all familiar with the fourth commandment. Jesus insists that disciples turn their backs on mother and father. He goes …

September 2013 Dear Father: A friend’s daughter is engaged to be married. Her family belongs to the Society of St. Pius X. The marriage will take place during a Mass at their SSPX parish. While I realize that Roman Catholics are not permitted to attend a Mass at a SSPX …

September 2013 When you’re introduced to someone new in your community, what’s the first thing you think of to ask? What brought you here? Where’s home? Have you found a nice place to live?

The Catholic Moment, September 2013 Ah, the dawn of a new school year. By early September, schools have been at the grind for a few weeks; teachers have gotten to know the personality of their student; and students are trying to test new ways of aggravating their teachers! It is …