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Q&A: Judgment at life’s end is not something to fear
Dear Father: I have been staring at a poster of the Last Judgment from the Sistine Chapel. I began to think about the judgment on my soul, but then I got a little confused. Will I be judged immediately when I die or only at the end of time?
What does the church teach about using technology?
Dear Father: Am I crazy? I mean, my friends think I’m crazy because I won’t let my kids have a phone or an iPad. I want them to run around and play and not look at a screen all the time. People look at me as if I’m crazy. What …
What Keeps Me Catholic?—Food and Meals
It happens once a month—Welcome Sunday. With three independent-minded kids, when told to get ready for Mass, I am surprised that there are no, well, fewer complaints. Likewise, leaving home they all have smiling, well, no frowning faces. The purpose of the Mass is that afterwards, in the school cafeteria, …
Lay Perspective: Life is the unexpected, but we can prepare to face it
The night before The Lord’s passion, the disciples were seemingly (if you can infer this from the bible) having a nice evening. Though Jesus had warned them of his passion and resurrection, they didn’t quite understand what was about to occur.
Guest Column: A lesson in Catholic identity
By David Scharfenberger For The Catholic Telegraph If you ever wondered about the positive effects of a Catholic education, you can look to the eighth graders at St. Michael School in Sharonville. During this last year, they read and learned first hand about immigrants and immigration and why we as …
Catholic Thoughts: ‘Because I said so’
Do you remember what your parents would say to you when you questioned why you had to do something? Their answer was swift and lethal: “Because I said so.” Somehow, we knew that response ended all arguments and pleas on our part. Our parents made it clear that there would …
On being a witness: Pray for me and I’ll pray for you
The late Dennis Dible, an editor of considerable ability and a fine Catholic gentleman, used to tell a story about how a reporter ran into a newsroom from covering a fire. Flushed and fueled with excitement and adrenaline – covering a fire can do that to you – the reporter …
Prevent ‘summer slide’ with integrated faith activities
Summer is here! As every parent knows, we are entering one of the busiest times of year. Summer is the season of athletic seasons and arts camps, of tutoring and travel. The school year, with its early morning wakeups, homework, and extra-curricular activities, has been replaced by a regimented schedule …
Leap and there will be a net: message resonates
“Leap and there will be a net.” This little message has resonated in my heart since I first heard it. It is as if the Holy Spirit wants it known that we should be taking risks if we really believe what we profess. Discipleship is no place for people who …
Did Pope Francis change church teaching on homosexuality?
Dear Father: I keep hearing that Pope Francis changed Church teaching on homosexuality with his question, “Who am I to judge?” Is that true? Dear Reader: Pope Francis did not change church teaching [cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357-2359].