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Archbishop Schnurr on Advent: Preparing Our Hearts to Celebrate
My dear friends in Christ: No one likes to wait, especially when we are waiting for something good. However, the better that something is, the more it is worth waiting and preparing for. That is why the Church gives us the season of Advent, a word derived from the Latin …
Question of Faith: Do we still believe in “limbo”?
Question of Faith Q: Back in the day, we were taught there was a “limbo” where infants went if they died before baptism. Does the church still teach that? A: As you mentioned, limbo, from the Latin word for “border,” was a theological hypothesis to explain the fate of unbaptized …
Stuff Luke Carey Found for November: Catholic Stuff You Should Know
I dare you to find a better Catholic podcast than Catholic Stuff You Should Know (CSYSK). What began as a simple response to Pope Benedict XVI’s call to engage new technologies for the New Evangelization, CSYSK reigns as the preeminent Catholic podcast. Its format is simple but effective. Four priests …
Jeanne Hunt for November: Our personal communion of saints
Catholics spend two days in prayer for the souls of those who have died in early November. All Souls Day and All Saints Day become the focus of our prayers as we grieve a little and remember a little the lives of those who have gone before us. When I …
Steve Trosley for November: Vocations belong to the family and parish, too
News that Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West will be expanded to accommodate a steady increase in the number of men interested in becoming priests reminded me that my younger brother will celebrate the 40th anniversary of his ordination next year. Father Anthony Trosley serves as a diocesan priest …
Father Dave Endres for November: Can a soul in hell enter heaven?
Q: The Catechism defines hell as “eternal separation from God” (1035). However, it says that at the last judgment “before [Jesus] will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another. . . And [some] will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” …
Allowing God to teach us contenment
Are you getting tired of listening to everyone complain? Are you annoyed with feisty Facebook reports about our government? Are you tired of folks shouting, “The sky is falling!”? It seems that every time we turn around someone is unhappy about something. The media is the one of the worst …
We are people working for salvation
Labor Day has just passed and as the nation celebrated the end of summer and the joys and glory of working, a cherished memory came. Dad went to a car dealership in 1959 and came home with a 1957 red Lincoln Premier two-door coupe. It displayed all of the excesses …
A question of Faith: Why did Christ wait so long?
Q: Why did Christ wait until approximately 2,017 years ago to appear on Earth when man (Homo sapiens) is about 200,000 years old? A: Theologians call this theological issue the “scandal of the particular.” Which is to say, Why did God reveal Himself in Jesus in a particular time and …
“Outside voices” make gossip worse
We can learn as our children grow. Solomon asked God for wisdom and God should have told him to listen to his children. I learned the concept of “inside voice and outside voice” when my oldest child started grade school. She explained to me one day when her brother and …