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An Independence Day reflection They did their best to make the surroundings pleasant, but a hospital’s surgical waiting room’s designers did not create an atmosphere for reflection as TVs blare, monitors mark patient progress from pre-op to procedure room to recovery, relatives and friends chatter to distract from the serious …

This column first appeared in our July, 2018 print edition. A few years ago, when I was still working in a parish, my beard did some evangelizing. Now, before I elaborate, I should share a couple of points about my beard. First, it’s long. It’s not “ZZ Top” long, but it’s …

This column first appeared in our July, 2018 print issue Q: What does the church teach concerning transubstantiation? Is the current teaching of the Catholic Church that through the consecration of the Eucharist we receive the real presence of Christ, or a symbolic presence? A: Very frequently it is thought …

  You just graduated from high school. Congratulations! Now college is on the horizon, a time full of promise and possibility. You will learn a lot, meet interesting people, choose a career, and possibly even find the person you will marry.  You will also make important decisions about your faith …

Waiting in joyful hope for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ is becoming more and more difficult. As the Alleluia buzz of the Easter season fades, I am very aware that we are surrounded by danger. If we are not careful, the world and its pleasures can get the …

Los estadounidenses están orgullosos de las libertades que garantizan las primeras diez enmiendas a nuestra Constitución, conocidas colectivamente como la Declaración de Derechos. Y la libertad de religión se cita primero: “El Congreso no hará ninguna ley respecto a el establecimiento de una religión o que prohíba el libre ejercicio …

Americans are justly proud of the freedoms secured by the first ten amendments to our Constitution, collectively known as the Bill of Rights. And freedom of religion is cited first: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . .” However, …

  Q: A friend of mine refers to the Holy Spirit as “she.” I have heard the theory that the Holy Spirit is a feminine manifestation of the divine. Is this consistent with Catholic teaching? A: God transcends gender, which is to say that the divine is neither male nor …

  Mothers and grandmothers are showered with affection and gifts on their special day each May.  While fathers and grandfathers also are often the recipient of gifts, ties, and tools, what most of us really crave — appreciation — rarely makes the gift wrap table. The culture has changed dramatically …

“I thank them every other Thursday when I sign their paychecks,” my boss said, deflating an enthusiastic employee relations seminar leader, who was making the case for management demonstrating more appreciation for workers. He took a more humane approach than his comment signaled, but as a manager, he could have …