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References in the popular culture to letters written but never sent appear in literature, film and even songs. Nights in white satin, never seeming to end; Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. – Justin Hayward, The Moody Blues 1967 Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, even John Kennedy, were all writers …

Q: Is the foundational concept of respect for life, especially concern for the unborn, something that is in the Bible or is it rooted more in church traditions? A: The Catholic Church is noted for its respect for life: from the moment of conception to natural death. Like all church …

A principios de noviembre, el calendario de la iglesia nos llama a celebrar a los santos y a orar por los fieles difuntos. Debemos tomar esto en serio. El mes comienza con el Día de Todos los Santos, en el cual honramos y buscamos la ayuda de todos los que …

In early November, the Church calendar calls us to celebrate the saints and to pray for the faithful departed. We should take this seriously. The month begins with All Saints Day, on which we honor and seek the help of all those in heaven, including those not officially recognized by …

Greetings Fellow Catholics in Mission, In his message for this year’s World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis specifically invites young people who want to follow Christ, to seek, to discover and to persevere in their vocation. Observed by the Catholic Church on the penultimate Sunday of October every year, World Mission …

It is really easy to come up with excuses not to go to Sunday Mass. Ask anybody that you don’t see there: I am too busy, no one will miss me, I’m not showing up if she/he is there, I do not agree with the church’s teaching on… You can …

Fans of the Major League Baseball Network, or MLB-TV, know the fun-loving, baseball-addicted hosts of the program are rarely at a loss for words. But when 26-year-old Daniel Poncedeleon finished seven complete hitless innings in his major league debut after taking a year to recover from a near-fatal line drive …

Q: Where did the rosary come from? A: The practice of praying the rosary is ancient. The rosary is often linked to St. Dominic de Guzman, the founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans). According to tradition, the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Dominic in southern France in the early …

Most of us learned as children that the word “Catholic” means “universal.” We even refer sometimes to the “universal Church” to remind us that we are part of more than just the “local Church,” which is our Archdiocese. The Church is universal because it encompasses the entire earth. Every spot …

La mayoría de nosotros aprendimos de niños que la palabra “Católico” significa “universal”. Incluso nos referimos en ocasiones a la “Iglesia universal” para recordarnos que somos parte de algo más que la “Iglesia local”, que es nuestra Arquidiócesis. La Iglesia es universal porque abarca toda la tierra. Cada lugar en …