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It’s February. That means we’re all a month into our New Year’s resolutions. How’s it going so far? Don’t worry, I get it. It’s tough to quit a bad habit and start a good one. What’s helpful for me is to be more aware of the steps from temptation to …

In the Gospels, the term “Son of Man” is used numerous times. What does “Son of Man” mean? When Jesus spoke of himself and His mission, He often referred to himself as “Son of Man.” In the Gospels, He uses the term more than 80 times, especially as recorded in …

For many Catholics, 2018 will be remembered with pain and anger because of the new revelations that emerged about the sexual abuse of minors. There is reason to hope, however, that 2019 will be a watershed year in dealing with this evil around the world. My brother bishops and I …

Para muchos católicos, 2018 será recordado con dolor y enojo debido a las nuevas revelaciones que surgieron sobre el abuso sexual de menores. Hay razón para esperar, sin embargo, 2019 será un año decisivo para hacer frente a este mal en todo el mundo. Mis hermanos obispos y yo hemos …

An Ursuline sister who was one of my early teachers said of God, “Remember the teacher is always silent during the test.” One year ago, my wife slipped and broke her femur. Complicating the matter: We were in Indianapolis. When you have a medical emergency in a strange city, you …

We all know someone who is wrestling with this question. It could be a child, a spouse, a coworker, or a friend. If they see us as holy or knowledgeable, if we are close with them or in authority over them, they may ask us, “What do you think I …

The New Year is here, and it is time to make some decisions about changes in our lives. We do this every year and it seems as if nothing changes. By Dec. 31, we are no closer to God, no happier and no more the good soul we would like …

Q: Does a prenuptial agreement invalidate a sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church? I have heard that it is only a legal arrangement, but others say it renders the marriage null because the spouses are not giving all of themselves. Please explain. A: The existence of a prenuptial agreement is …

New Year’s is a time to both look back and look ahead. The past year has been undeniably difficult for all Catholics. The faithful understandably have reacted with anger and frustration to the historic mishandling of child sexual abuse in the Church and the lack of accountability by some bishops. …

El Año Nuevo es un momento para mirar hacia atrás y mirar hacia adelante. No se puede negar que el año pasado ha sido difícil para todos los Católicos. Los fieles, han reaccionado comprensiblemente, con enojo y frustración ante el mal manejo histórico del abuso sexual infantil en la Iglesia …