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Estamos a mitad de la Cuaresma, y las tiendas a están ofreciendo dulces de Pascua y ventas de ropa de Pascua. Esto es natural. Todos queremos saltarnos la muerte y llegar a la resurrección. Quizás ese deseo es aún más fuerte en tiempos difíciles. Y estamos viviendo en tiempos difíciles. …

We are only halfway through Lent, and retail stores are well into offering Easter candy and sales on Easter outfits. This is only natural. We all want to skip death and get to the resurrection. Perhaps that desire is even stronger in difficult times. And we are living in difficult …

Virtue = Strength (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Do you ever mentally skip over the statement: “.. for what I have done and for what I have failed to do” in the Confiteor? We figure that reconciliation is all about those time we did something wrong like lying, cheating, losing our temper etc. What is missing is the …

Q: If priesthood was historically limited to men, what was the reason? Does this reason still prevent women from becoming priests? A: The reservation of the ordained priesthood to men has been the constant practice of the Catholic Church (and the Eastern Orthodox) but many, especially in the last 50 …

The Light is On for You on Tuesday, March 19, is a special day set aside in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to receive God’s forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The name of this initiative reflects the reality that the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is …

Mike Wolf marks a parishioner’s forehead with the sign of a cross during Ash Wednesday services at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral in Cincinnati Wednesday, Mar. 1, 2017. (CT PHOTO/E.L. HUBBARD)
As Catholics, we like anonymity. We like to blend into the crowd. We don’t wear yarmulkes like Orthodox Jews, or plain clothes like the Amish. We can generally go unnoticed. Until Ash Wednesday. With that big, ashen cross on our foreheads, everyone knows who we are. It’s a sign that …

The Light is On for You (La luz está encendida para usted), el martes 19 de marzo, es un día especial en la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati reservado para recibir el perdón de Dios en el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. El nombre de esta iniciativa refleja la realidad del Sacramento de la Reconciliación, …

My father once told me, “You can get any job you want if you always behave as if a potential employer is watching you when you are out in public.” His theory was that behaving as if someone who could do you good – or harm – was watching was …

Dear Friends in Christ, An extraordinary meeting in Rome between Pope Francis and representatives of the world’s bishops concluded this past Sunday. The purpose of this gathering was to address the great evil of clerical sexual abuse of minors, with particular focus on bishops who failed to appropriately deal with …

Aaaargh! Here comes Lent again. There is no denying it. We must face the music once again. There is something deep within us that resists dealing with our own sinfulness. The Spirit calls us to come back again with all our hearts. This requires painful candor and courage to face …