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Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
June marks the end of the school year and the beginning of the vacation season. This summer, I invite you to do something on vacation that may be new to you – go to church, and not for the liturgy alone. It is, of course, an important precept of the …
Catholic Thoughts: ‘Be who you are and be that well’
One of my favorite sayings is from St Francis de Sales: “Be who you are and be that well. So that you may bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork you are.” It is good enough to just be yourself. In fact, God doesn’t want us to try to …
Seize the Moment Mediatrix: The month of May and the neglected church teaching about Mary
May is a magnificent month. Spring is here. The sun is shining. Life is emerging from its slumber. In Catholic tradition, this month of light, warmth, and motherhood is also devoted to the mother of Jesus. May is the “month of Mary,” and so it is fitting for us to …
Being Pro Life: Supporting parents of autistic children at Mass
We felt like we had two choices. We could either stay home, or we could go to church, and try to do the best we could. So we would go, and we would stand in the back and Kyle would fidget and sometimes pace a little bit—and we would just …
Question of Faith: May a Catholic be “ordained” to officiate at a wedding outside the Catholic Church?
In the age of the internet, it is possible to be “ordained” a minister in a matter of minutes. The virtual churches that offer online ordinations do not require any education or training. They style themselves as “multi-denominational” or “nondenominational,” and do not ask for assent to a specific Creed …
Busca al Señor por el Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr
La Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati ordena hombres al sacerdocio cada mayo. Este es también un mes popular para bodas. Esa es probablemente, una apropiada coincidencia. El Matrimonio y las Ordenes Sagradas (que incluyen el diaconado permanente) son sacramentos importantes que, según el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, consagran a los destinatarios …
Seek the Lord for May by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati ordains men to the priesthood each May. This is also a popular month for weddings. That is probably a coincidence, but an appropriate one. Matrimony and Holy Orders (which includes the permanent diaconate) are both important sacraments that, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, …
Contagiously Catholic: Lessons in Parish Leadership from the Cincinnati Reds
By Sean Ater – The game of baseball is a great analogy for an evangelizing parish. We love the analogy so much that we built our evangelization process around the analogy. One analogy that we can make between baseball and an evangelizing parish has to do with the critical role …
A Question of Faith: What is dogma? It comes from authority
Q: In the case of a federal judicial appointee, adherence to Catholic dogma was criticized during the confirmation proceedings. What exactly is a dogma? Do other religions have them? A: A dogma is a belief handed down as true by an authority. We frequently think of dogmas in matters of …
Seize the Moment: Get lit; raise the roof; hear the story; welcome them
Quick, grab your phone, open your calendar app, and mark this date: April 20, 2019. That’s the date for the liturgy of all liturgies, the greatest and most noble of all solemnities: The Easter Vigil. I love the Easter Vigil. There’s really no better way to seize the Easter season …