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I work with some amazing people. I’m talking one-of-a-kind people. Passionate. On-fire-for-the-Lord people. Honest-to-God disciples on mission. It’s rare, awesome and a complete honor. But it has also been very humbling and convicting, and it has made me realize that I have a lot of learning and growing to do. …

There’s nothing on Earth like being in Sunday Mass. After sliding into the pew and getting settled with my family, I’m sure that, right there and then, I’m right where the Lord wants us to be. As a mom of five kids ranging from 2 to 9 years old, my …

Regardless of the political position one advocates, immigration and refugee policy is primarily a moral theological issue. Of course, policy deliberations necessarily involve a number of considerations, including economic, financial and political factors. But, like any moral issue, the primary source for our deliberation should be Catholic moral theology, not …

It was the weekend following a difficult week – a chance to be with my family, to soak in the joy and innocence of life through the eyes of my children. On Sunday, as I got out of bed and began to ready myself for the morning routine, I saw …

The return of students for the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year highlights the grave responsibility that clerics, employees and volunteers serving in schools and parishes of the archdiocese share: protecting the children entrusted to our care. Because of our commitment to safety, I recently placed a priest on leave …

EL regreso de los estudiantes para el comienzo del año académico 2019-20 resalta la grave responsabilidad que comparten los clérigos, empleados y voluntarios que sirven en las escuelas y parroquias de la arquidiócesis: proteger a los niños confiados a nuestro cuidado. Por nuestro compromiso con la seguridad, recientemente puse a …

Question: I pray the Creed often to remind myself of our core beliefs. Why do not include a line such as “I believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist” or statements about other important beliefs? Is there a chance the Creed could change in the future? Answer: …

A few weeks ago I did something I’ve never done before: I worked on a food truck. A friend of mine owns one that specializes in gourmet hotdogs. I happened to be on vacation on a day when he needed extra help, so I jumped in and got to work. …

Q: Due to work or other commitments, many people find attending Mass on holy days difficult. Why does the Church ask its members to attend Mass on holy days of obligation? What makes those days different? A: Although all Sundays are the “Day of the Lord” and the faithful should …

As parents of young children in church, we’ve all been there: the squirming, the diving below the pews, the waving for attention of the adults behind us, the too-loud whispers to “Sit down and be quiet,” and “Listen to Father.” I confess that, as a mother of four children under …