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Seize the Moment: Manual Labor and the Master’s Work
I can do a great deal of thinking on the top rung of a ladder. Chief among my thoughts is “Dear God, don’t let me fall,” but I’m also thinking other things too: “Go slow,” “Be careful,” and “You got this.” And then, on my most recent ascent, a new …
Catholic at Home: Go Home and Change the World
October is Respect Life Month, a celebration and call-to-arms compelling Catholics to “renew their personal commitment to defend human life” (USCCB). The idea itself brings to mind the unborn and those sentenced to death as well as those who are dying; and while these are some of the most vulnerable, …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. We often think of May as the month of Mary, but October is also devoted to the Blessed Mother and the Rosary. On October 7, we …
Busca al Senor por Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr
Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, El Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Amenudo pensamos en Mayo como el mes de María, pero Octubre también está dedicado a la Santísima Madre y al rosario. El …
Editor’s Note: The Heart and Beauty of Our Growing Faith
When I began as editor a few months ago, I met with Archbishop Schnurr and asked him about his vision for The Catholic Telegraph. He gave me two directives: The paper should be an evangelization tool, and it should help the people of the archdiocese feel like they are part …
Question of Faith: A Catholic Funeral for a Non-Catholic?
Q: Most of my family is Catholic, but my father is not. He is in declining health and has asked if it would be possible for his funeral to take place in a Catholic church. Is this permitted? A: The Church seeks to minister to families during times of illness …
Seize the Moment: Going for It in Prayer, Like a Prophet Would
I work with some amazing people. I’m talking one-of-a-kind people. Passionate. On-fire-for-the-Lord people. Honest-to-God disciples on mission. It’s rare, awesome and a complete honor. But it has also been very humbling and convicting, and it has made me realize that I have a lot of learning and growing to do. …
Church at Home: by Katie Sciba Verso l’Alto with Kids in Tow
There’s nothing on Earth like being in Sunday Mass. After sliding into the pew and getting settled with my family, I’m sure that, right there and then, I’m right where the Lord wants us to be. As a mom of five kids ranging from 2 to 9 years old, my …
A Closer Look by Kenneth Craycraft: Immigration Policy Must Have a Preferential Option for the Alien
Regardless of the political position one advocates, immigration and refugee policy is primarily a moral theological issue. Of course, policy deliberations necessarily involve a number of considerations, including economic, financial and political factors. But, like any moral issue, the primary source for our deliberation should be Catholic moral theology, not …
Editor’s Note: Finding Hope Amidst the Darkness
It was the weekend following a difficult week – a chance to be with my family, to soak in the joy and innocence of life through the eyes of my children. On Sunday, as I got out of bed and began to ready myself for the morning routine, I saw …