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In the many years I’ve been an editor for Catholic publications, the way all the stories and columns in a given issue line up to support one another still never ceases to amaze me. Yes, some of that is planning and assigning particular stories, but often the stories find us …

Todas las vocaciones dadas por Dios son importantes. ¡Es por eso que Dios las da! Nuestra Oración arquidiocesana por las V ocaciones menciona específicamente el llamado vocacion a una vida casta y soltera “y esposos y esposas fieles, que son un signo del amor de Cristo por Su Iglesia”. La …

Each October, beginning on the first Sunday, the Church in the U.S. observes Respect Life Month. While, of course, we should embrace and applaud this celebration, I wonder how helpful abstract concepts like “respecting life” are in helping us to stand as witnesses against an encroaching culture of death. In …

Antonia Silva Lima, a farmer in the Brazilian Amazon, prays at the grave of U.S.-born Sister Dorothy Stang in Anapu, Brazil. Sister Stang was assassinated in 2005. The red cross beside her grave bears the names of 16 local rights activists who have been murdered since her killing. Church activists say the killings continue, and they're about to erect a second red cross with even more names. (CNS Photo/Paul Jeffrey)
Greetings fellow Evangelizers/Missioners, Pope Benedict XV wrote a powerful missionary letter, Maximum Illud, just after the horrendous First World War in 1919 urging the world to instill the love and hope of Christ and to avoid nationalist aims that had proved so disastrous. He called for the end of emphasizing …

I can do a great deal of thinking on the top rung of a ladder. Chief among my thoughts is “Dear God, don’t let me fall,” but I’m also thinking other things too: “Go slow,” “Be careful,” and “You got this.” And then, on my most recent ascent, a new …

October is Respect Life Month, a celebration and call-to-arms compelling Catholics to “renew their personal commitment to defend human life” (USCCB). The idea itself brings to mind the unborn and those sentenced to death as well as those who are dying; and while these are some of the most vulnerable, …

A man holds a Rosary during the 10th Annual Cincinnati Rosary Crusade on Fountain Square Saturday, October 8, 2016. (CT Photo/E.L. Hubbard)
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. We often think of May as the month of Mary, but October is also devoted to the Blessed Mother and the Rosary. On October 7, we …

A man holds a Rosary during the 10th Annual Cincinnati Rosary Crusade on Fountain Square Saturday, October 8, 2016. (CT Photo/E.L. Hubbard)
Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, El Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Amenudo pensamos en Mayo como el mes de María, pero Octubre también está dedicado a la Santísima Madre y al rosario. El …

When I began as editor a few months ago, I met with Archbishop Schnurr and asked him about his vision for The Catholic Telegraph. He gave me two directives: The paper should be an evangelization tool, and it should help the people of the archdiocese feel like they are part …

Q: Most of my family is Catholic, but my father is not. He is in declining health and has asked if it would be possible for his funeral to take place in a Catholic church. Is this permitted? A: The Church seeks to minister to families during times of illness …