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Seize the Moment: The Night My Son Met the Real Me by Nicholas Hardesty
I prayed over my five-year old son the other day. He was on day three of a stomach bug, and I was willing to look like a fool if it meant his healing.Even a couple months ago, I would not have done such a thing. I’ve prayed over other people …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
Throughout the long history of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Catholic education has always been recognized as a vital ministry of our local Church. Our first diocesan bishop, Bishop Edward Fenwick, started a school for young women in 1825, just four years after the foundation of the diocese. It opened with …
Busca al Senorpor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr
Alo largo historia de la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati, la educación Católica siempre ha sido reconocida como un ministerio vital de nuestra Iglesia local. Nuestro primer obispo diocesano, el Obispo Edward Fenwick, comenzó una escuela para mujeres jóvenes en 1825, solo cuatro años después de la fundación de la diócesis. Se …
Question of Faith: Indulgences? by Father Dave Endres
Question: I recently had the Church’s practice of indulgences explained to me. How does the Church have the authority to grant indulgences? And, since one of the requirements for an indulgence is detachment from sin, how can we know if our hearts are properly disposed to receive an indulgence? Many …
A Closer Look: “Don’t Go Revengin’ in My Name”
Often, when theologians engage in their craft, they will deliberately adopt a general interpretive lens through which to examine specific topics. This lens is called a “hermeneutic” and the resolution of certain questions might vary according to the hermeneutic chosen. For example, for questions of moral theology a “hermeneutic of …
Catholic at Home: by Katie Sciba
Some Christmas mornings I wake up feeling spiritually underwhelmed. I don’t feel the holy wonder at the miracle of God being born upon Earth but instead feel disappointment in my own lack of real, faithful preparation for the Nativity. The previous weeks were spent fretting over decorating and shopping and …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
In the waning days of December, some non-Christians celebrate the winter solstice instead of Christmas. The connection between the two observances is worth reflecting on this Advent Season. The winter solstice, which will occur on December 21, marks the longest night of the year. After that, the nights grow shorter …
Seize the Moment: 5 Ways to Seize the Advent Season
Are you ready for Christmas?” I dread that question. After all, who is ever really ready for the cooking, cleaning, packing, traveling, buying, wrapping and even fighting that fill up our typical preparations for the holidays? Not me. The good news is that Advent doesn’t have to be that way. …
Editor’s Note: Let’s Get Digital
I admit it, I am a die-hard fan of print media. From the time I was a small child, I loved to hold on to books and dive into the stories that awaited me inside their pages. To this day, I love picking up a magazine, a library book, a …
A Question of Faith: Women Deacons?
Question: I have been told that women served as deacons in the early Church? If this is true, what was their role? Answer: Instances of women serving as deacons in the early Church, especially in Syria, are referenced in various documents. However, evidence shows deaconesses did not have the same …