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Seize the Moment: Barbecue and a Taste of Heaven
I love barbecue. Seriously, my heart yearns for it. Owensboro, KY, where I’m from, is actually the epicenter of a unique variety: mutton barbecue. Mutton is meat from sheep around three years old, as opposed to lamb, which is meat from sheep less than a year old. It starts out …
Being Pro-Life: Ending Abortion Through Prayer & Fasting
A man was praying outside an abortion facility when a woman walked into the clinic. Not long after, she walked back out and right up to him. She said, “Excuse me, but I just wanted to thank you. I asked God for a sign this morning on whether or not …
Reflections: The Piety of the Steps
Fr. Rob Jack STL Piety is a gift of the Holy Spirit through which one cherishes and passes on the history of one’s faith as a source of one’s human and Christian identity. When we place around ourselves pictures of our families and friends and our pets and personal mementos, …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
Eight students at Wright State University came into the Catholic Church this past Easter with the help of Campus Ministry. Six men and six women ministered to by our archdiocesan Prison Ministry also came into the Catholic Church last spring. On Dec. 26, I myself had the joy of conferring …
Catholic at Home: The Holy Blaze of Real Romance
It’s almost St. Valentine’s Day. Yes, please. It’s my favorite non-Christmas holiday of the whole year, a spark of warmth in winter’s chill, a day when I’m allowed to unleash the mushy, lovey dovey because I’m a wife who loves romance. But I know plenty of romance-loving spouses who don’t …
Busca al Senor por Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr
Ocho estudiantes de la Universidad Estatal de Wright entraron a la Iglesia Católica en la Pascua pasada, con la ayuda del Ministerio del Campus. Seis hombres y seis mujeres ministrados por nuestro Ministerio de Prisiones Arquidiocesanas también entraron a la Iglesia Católica la primavera pasada. El 26 de Diciembre, yo …
A Closer Look: An Appeal for the Men of the Mount
Your students give me great hope for the future of the Church within our archdiocese,” a friend recently texted me, referring to the seminarians I teach at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. She said this in the context of a recent public liturgy that had no official affiliation with the seminary, …
A Closer Look: Resisting Partisan Identification for Faithful Discipleship by by Kenneth Craycraft
Among the decisions that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) made at its annual meeting last November, two stand out as especially important. First, the bishops elected Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gómez – an immigrant to the U.S. – as the USCCB’s first Hispanic president. Second, the bishops …
Catholic at Home: Show the World: Children are Blessings! by Katie Sciba
We go through our pep talk every time I take the kids out. “What do we need to show the world?!” I shout to the back of the van. Then comes their battle cry, “That children are blessings!” A couple years ago, I started telling my sweet kids that even …
Editor’s Note: A Courageous “Yes” by Jessica Rinaudo
During the month of December, a group of women wrote daily Advent reflections for The Catholic Telegraph’s website. The writings were honest, funny, sometimes heart wrenching and always a beautiful reflection on preparing our hearts for the birth of our Savior. I was asked to write a few along the …