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In our archdiocesan “Prayer for Vocations,” we acknowledge that God has created each of us for some definite purpose. At the same time, we ask Him to bless the Church with women and men who faithfully live out their respective vocations with holiness, whether they be single, married, religious or …

I did not grow up Catholic, and living in the Bible Belt meant Catholicism was a bit of an anomaly. I’ll never forget the words of my former bishop, Most Rev. Michael Duca: “You’re not Catholic by accident in Shreveport, Louisiana!” My only early-life memory of Catholicism was of once …

En nuestra “Oración por las Vocaciones” arquidiocesana, reconocemos que Dios ha creado a cada uno de nosotros para un propósito definido. Al mismo tiempo, le pedimos que bendiga a la Iglesia con mujeres y hombres que vivan fielmente sus respectivas vocaciones con santidad, ya sean solteros, casados, religiosos o clérigos. …

Students gather at the 50 yard line to read the Stations of the Cross and then do 40 seconds of conditioning after each Station is read. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
What a blessing our Catholic schools are for the children and young adults in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati! As attendance at Mass continues to wane, our Catholic grade and high schools often become the only avenues by which we can teach the beauty of the Gospels—where students attend Mass and …

While respect for human life must not be limited to a single issue (about which I say more below), the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) reminds us in “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” that abortion is the foremost consideration. Throughout the 2020 presidential election, it was easy for …

Many themes emerge throughout the month of October in the life of the Church. It is Respect Life Month, so we pause to pray more intentionally in thanksgiving to God for the great gift of life and that this gift may always be safeguarded and respected from the first moment …

I was blessed in July with the opportunity to attend the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) in Indianapolis. When scrolling through available talks, I gravitated to a series on “Renewal”—sessions directed toward those who work for the Church. While I certainly expected the wonderful advice that was shared about taking time …

Muchos temas surgen a lo largo del mes de octubre en la vida de la Iglesia. Es el Mes llamado “Respetemos la Vida”, por lo cual hacemos una pausa para orar más intencionalmente en agradecimiento a Dios por el gran don de la vida y para que este don sea …

The various phenomena of environmental degradation and natural disasters which, unfortunately, are often reported in the news remind us of the urgent need to respect nature as we should, recovering and appreciating a correct relationship with the environment in everyday life. A new sensitivity to these topics that justly give …

September 19, 2024 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ and all people of goodwill, In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is asked by a scholar of the law, “And who is my neighbor?” when faced with upholding the greatest commandment. Jesus replied with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Today, …