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The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will receive three new servant leaders later this month when I ordain Deacons Christopher Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers to the priesthood. This moment of great joy for me and for the local Church comes at a time of continuing fear, anxiety, social tension and …

La Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati recibirá tres nuevos líderes de servicio a finales de este mes cuando ordene a los Diáconos Christopher Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo y Andrew Reckers al sacerdocio. Este momento de gran alegría para mí y para la Iglesia local llega en un momento continuo de miedo, ansiedad, tensión …

The Catholic Telegraph has a long history in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and even more broadly as one of the first Catholic newspapers in the U.S. Interestingly, it was established in 1831 by Bishop Fenwick, only to be placed on a short break the following year amidst another pandemic: cholera …

For many Catholics, the most difficult and distressing effect of social distancing has been the suspension of Masses and other public liturgies. Prior to March 2020, many of us cannot remember the last time we missed Mass on Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation. The Church’s liturgies are where …

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy was hitting New York City, and Bellevue Hospital was facing the failure of their main generators. Left with only six working power outlets for 50 patients in intensive care, the medical director had to make decisions she never wanted to make. Which of the 50 would …

It is impossible to divorce religious faith (or lack thereof) from political commitments. While legislators and judges might try to keep religious and political institutions distinct from one another—to build Thomas Jefferson’s famous “wall of separation between Church and State”—belief (or unbelief) is a necessary factor in the way all …

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we find ourselves in a time of confusion, fear, and tension. The range of thoughts and concerns which weigh upon each of us is vast, knowing that the pattern of our lives has quickly become very different than it was mere days ago. …

For the past few weeks, Jesus has repeatedly placed His Divine Mercy into my path: Initially through a close friend, then in my Bible study, and still again through a priest’s homily. When devotions show up over and over, it’s time to say, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” Christ’s …

In the parable of the dishonest steward, what does Jesus mean when he says, “make friends with dishonest wealth” (Luke 16:9)? The parable of the dishonest steward remains one of the most puzzling passages in the New Testament. Thankfully, the Church can help us understand it. Dei Verbum, a document …

My 7-year old daughter made me cry the other day. There’s something you should know about my daughter: she never sings, dances, or performs in front of me. She’ll go to her room, shut the door, tell Alexa to play the Frozen soundtrack, and sing her little heart out. She’ll …