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It is almost impossible to exaggerate the devastating effect social isolation has had in recent months on our lives as citizens, as workers and as members of a faith community for whom communal worship is a defining practice. At the same time, however, it has been heartening to hear stories …

Es casi imposible exagerar el efecto devastador que el aislamiento social ha tenido en los últimos meses en nuestras vidas como ciudadanos, como trabajadores y como miembros de una comunidad de fe para quienes el culto comunitario es una práctica definitoria. Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, ha sido alentador escuchar …

Despite our chaotic and busy lives, my husband and I do our best to instill faith and Catholic values in our children at home. Sometimes, we give those lessons with intention – praying together before meals and at bedtime, answering very specific questions from our young children about the origin …

by Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ Vatican City, Jun 30, 2020 / 08:40 pm MT (CNA).- Last Saturday, June 27, many churches witnessed the ordinations of dozens of priests and deacons, in ceremonies that were far from typical. Even while some parts of the world “reopen” after the first wave of …

The Church, like humankind in general, has faced challenges posed by disease. And where there has been suffering, Christians have responded, seeking to overcome fear and self-interest to offer spiritual, physical and material support. COMMITMENT TO CHARITY Based on Jesus’ words and example, the first Christians shared their resources to …

Social distancing in my family, with six children at home, has been less about loneliness and more about trying to find a place in the house to be alone. While, of course, there are challenges, my days of “isolation” have been filled with all sorts of interactions (and distractions) with …

Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Catholic Telegraph magazine! I am delighted to introduce this old friend in an attractive new format. In the 189 years since Bishop Edward Fenwick founded this publication as the voice of the local Church, it has taken many forms – weekly, bi-weekly and …

¡Bienvenido a la edición inaugural de la revista The Catholic Telegraph! Estoy encantado de presentar a este viejo amigo en un nuevo formato atractivo. En los 189 años desde que el Obispo Edward Fenwick fundó esta publicación como la voz de la Iglesia local, ha tomado muchas formas – semanal, …

The apostles were once under a mandated quarantine. It’s true. You can read all about it in the first two chapters of the Book of Acts. After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to the Apostles over a period of 40 days. Then, he ordered them to stay in …

Weeks have now turned to months of living with COVID-19. We’re adapting from total upheaval to the “new normal” of living with an infectious disease in the area; and the big shifts we’ve made to keep life going in our own ways are, in a word, unprecedented. School and work …