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Desde el ataque de la pandemia COVID-19 y el cierre resultante de muchas empresas, a menudo hemos escuchado el término “trabajadores esenciales”. Pero como señalé en mi reciente carta pastoral, Radiate Christ, todos son esenciales. Cada uno de nosotros tiene un papel que desempeñar en la Iglesia y en la …

by Father Kyle Schnippel On Aug. 19, 2020, Cincinnati Reds Broadcaster Thom Brennaman uttered an ill-conceived and ill-advised homophobic slur as the broadcast returned to air. Thinking his mic was still dead, he spoke a word that was full of hatred and bigotry towards those who experience same sex attraction, …

I looked out over thousands of faces in the University of Dayton (UD) arena more than four years ago during my presidential installation and urged us to put a stake in the ground. Let us be “The University for the Common Good,” I said, humbly aware that UD doesn’t have …

Question: I sometimes hear of Catholic colleges and universities honoring individuals who challenge the teachings of the Church. What makes a university “Catholic”? Can such a designation be taken away? Answer: The university system began during the Middle Ages when the Church and society were closely intertwined. As the Church …

Because of well-publicized, persistent instances of racial discrimination, the summer of 2020 has seen a rise in race-consciousness across the political, ideological and religious spectrum. And it is correct to note that racism in American society is, in some sense, systemic. Despite authentic legal, political and social progress, racism can …

As we planned to move the 850 miles from Louisiana to Cincinnati, my husband and I had a huge priority in mind: We had to find the right Catholic school for our children. At the time, they were attending a wonderful, small Catholic school in North Louisiana. So, not only …

With August comes a new school year, and, with that, a sense of starting fresh and the expectation that something will be different. Never, perhaps, has that been more the case than in 2020. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the actions taken to mitigate its spread, the 2019-2020 school …

Con agosto llega un nuevo año escolar, y con eso una sensación de empezar de nuevo y la expectativa de que algo será diferente. Nunca, tal vez, ha sido más el caso que en 2020. Debido a la pandemia COVID-19 y a las medidas adoptadas para mitigar su propagación, el …

One of the Eucharistic Prayers has a long list of saint names. What is the history of this prayer and why does it name so many saints? The Eucharistic Prayer with the lengthy list of saints is known as the First Eucharistic Prayer. Also called the Roman Canon because of …

In America, July is the month of freedom, as we celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s Declaration of Independence. But while the July 4th holiday officially commemorates national political sovereignty, we are more likely to think about liberty in terms of individual autonomous rights. Independence Day encomiums have more to …