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A lo largo de este año del bicentenario de la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati, he instado a los miembros de nuestra Iglesia local a irradiar a Cristo. Mucho más que un eslogan, este es un llamado a la conversión y a la acción. Los artículos en este número de The Catholic …

Who radiates Christ to you in your life? Whose love for their faith shines so brightly that they can’t help but pull others into God’s love? For me, there will always be the legendary Sister Martinetter Rivers, OLS. Sister Martinette, or, as she called herself, “The Butterfly Queen,” walked into …

Rich with choices and newfound autonomy, many students are determined to “find themselves” in college. Our culture measures success in terms of our ability to obtain the perfect job, most prestigious title, or most glamorous relationship. College students are sold the idea that freedom means greater choice and control of …

In this ever-changing world, the 111 Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are constantly updating their curriculum, incorporating new knowledge, and adopting new methodologies and technologies to teach more effectively. At the same time, however, our schools are anchored in the Church’s timeless and unchanging faith in the Lord …

During the course of the pandemic, we were forced to become more resourceful and creative, all while the world was turned upside down. Organizations across the globe had to figure out ways to keep going during the uncertainty and fear. Amid all the change and turmoil, our schools became, in …

En este mundo en constante cambio, las 111 escuelas Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati están constantemente actualizando su plan de estudios, incorporando nuevos conocimientos, y adoptando nuevas metodologías y tecnologías para enseñar de manera más efectiva. Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, nuestras escuelas están ancladas en la fe eterna …

When I think about my dearest friends, I recall friendships that began in grade school, my first years of teaching and my marriage. These friendships are ones that have lasted through happy and sorrowful times and shared experiences. These are people I know I can count on because they have …

When I was young, we kept holy water in a small font at the entrance to our bedrooms. What is the origin of the practice? Can we still use holy water in our homes? When entering a church building, we reflexively sign ourselves with holy water. In doing so, we …

“I think we should join this pagan homeschool co-op.” Those are words you don’t hear every day. Yet, sure enough, about two years ago my wife made that announcement from the other end of the house. Sufficiently derailed from my work in the office, I joined her in the living …

We all know the old expression “charity begins at home.” So does faith. One of the greatest responsibilities Catholic parents have is to pass the faith on to their children, primarily by example. This is what is meant by calling the family the “domestic church,” as many popes and Church …