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Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr interview with WLWT
The pandemic-necessitated change from physical to virtual interactions in business, education and even entertainment reminded us that in-person communication is the fullest and best form of communication. That is why God became one of us through the Incarnation. And yet, the Good News has always reached the largest numbers of …

El cambio de las interacciones presenciales a las virtuales, necesitado por la pandemia, en los negocios, la educación e incluso el entretenimineto nos hace recordar que la comunicación presencial es la mejor y más completa forma de comunicación. Por eso Dios se convirtió en uno de nosotros a través de …

Problems arising from technology and social media are more than could possibly be accounted for in one magazine. From the relatively mundane problem of work distraction, to more seriously annoying intrusions on privacy, to the tragedy of social-media-driven violence, stories about digital technology and social media fill headlines every day. …

Like many, when I graduated from Georgetown High School in 1994 I never imagined my life would turn out the way it has. Headed to Ohio State University, my future was full of possibilities. Unfortunately, faith was not on the top of that list, my interests then being primarily material. …

Before moving to Cincinnati, I worked three jobs so my four children could remain in Catholic school. “She must be crazy,” you might think – and many who dearly love us certainly thought we were. I don’t say this to paint myself as a martyr or look down my nose …

Catholic schools have a well-deserved reputation for providing a high-quality, holistic education and producing successful, well-rounded young scholars. The most important thing about Catholic schools, however, is that they are Catholic. Our mission is not to just graduate scholars, but to form disciples who desire to know, love and serve …

Las escuelas católicas tienen una reputación bien merecida de brindar una educación íntegra de alta calidad y de producir jóvenes académicamente exitosos y plenos. Sin embargo, lo más importante de las escuelas católicas es que son católicas. Nuestra misión no es solo graduar eruditos, sino formar discípulos que deseen conocer, …

In 1969, German theologian Joseph Ratzinger – later Pope Benedict XVI – gave a radio address in which he asked, “What will the Church look like in 2000?” His evaluation of the Church’s condition in 1969 is acute and thoughtful. His prediction for the Church’s future state is remarkably prescient. …

by JD Flynn Denver, Colo., Dec 21, 2018 / 01:22 pm MT (CNA).- After communion at Mass this morning, our parish school choir began one of my favorite hymns. The first line filled my heart. “Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand.” It was darling …

My brothers and I, who normally don’t get along, prayed together. My last chemo treatment is done. We are going to figure out a way to help your child at school. I’m finally able to fly and see you after having to cancel twice because of the pandemic. He got …