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Do you Already Evangelize?

If you’re anything like me, when you hear the word “evangelization,” you tend to immediately curl up on yourself and consider hiding under a table. The term can conjure images of mega-churches, religious pamphlets and people approaching me to talk about religion and make me uncomfortable. That’s not a great …
Busca al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

Antes de ascender al cielo, Jesús instruyó a sus discípulos diciendo: “Vayan, y hagan que todos los pueblos sean mis discípulos, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo” (Mt. 28:19), y así lo hicieron, con la ayuda y la guía del Espíritu Santo. Los …
Lent: Going Back to God

We Catholics are wild about signs and symbols. We make the Sign of the Cross whenever we pray, worship, enter the church, walk through a cemetery, or even step up to the plate at a baseball game. We wear symbols of our faith on our ears and around our necks; …
Seek the Lord for February 2023

On the eve of His passion and death, Jesus took ordinary bread and wine, blessed them, and gave them to His friends as His Body and Blood commanding, “Do this in memory of me.” The next day He offered Himself – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – to God the …
Uniting Our Bodies to Christ

“What made you decide to convert to Catholicism?” This is one of the main questions I’m asked when people find out I’m a convert, especially friends in Catholic circles. There are a lot of factors I can point to in response. I married a cradle Catholic who had a reversion …
Busca al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

En la víspera de su pasión y muerte, Jesús tomó pan y vino ordinarios, los bendijo y se los dio a Sus amigos como su Cuerpo y Sangre ordenando: “Hagan esto en memoria mía”. Al día siguiente se ofreció a sí mismo – Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad – a …
Finding My Vocation in Catholic Schools

As Catholics, we believe God has a plan for every person. We are reminded in the archdiocesan vocation prayer: “Almighty Father, you have created us for some definite purpose…” Where did I first discover my purpose—my vocation? Definitely, in Catholic school! My Catholic high school principal in Maryland took me …
Seek the Lord for January 2023

Throughout January, we celebrate the liturgical memorials of many saints who dedicated themselves to learning and to education. Religious sisters, such as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Angela Merici, formed communities of women committed to the education of youth and families. Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen are …
All the Little Things

I will be the first to admit that growing up with a public school education served me well. I was not Catholic as a child, and my parents did a great job teaching me about Jesus and taking me to Methodist Sunday School on their own time. I was fortunate …
What are we Waiting For?

Advent is a time of waiting, but what are we waiting for? Jesus the Incarnate Word of God has already come into the world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (Jn. …