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Busca al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

Todos hemos escuchado la frase: “Hace falta una aldea para criar a un niño”, y con razón. A lo largo de los milenios, los miembros de una determinada comunidad se han ayudado mutuamente en la formación y el desarrollo de sus jóvenes para asegurarse de que cada uno aprenda las …
My Long Stateless Status

Born in a remote village in Bhutan, a small country sandwiched between two big countries—China in the north and India—I completed my primary education at Dorokha Primary School, a 40 minute walk from my home. In 1990, while I was in high school, the government forcefully evicted 100,000 Nepali-speaking citizens …
Care for Creation

What is the Church’s perspective on caring for the earth? The Church’s social teaching includes the principle that humans are called to be stewards of creation. This is rooted in an understanding found in the Book of Genesis that everything God creates is good. Our stewardship is a participation in …
Seek the Lord for July 2023

Through wisdom and love, God has created all that is. The prophet Isaiah reflected on the mystery of creation asking, “Who has measured with his palm the waters, marked off the heavens with a span, held in his fingers the dust of the earth, weighed the mountains in scales and …
We Are Not Alone on Our Journeys

Whenever I travel, I make a point to stop in a local Catholic church, especially if there is a basilica or cathedral nearby. In addition to praying or attending Mass, I snap a quick photo of the church sanctuary to text to my former pastor in Louisiana. He often does …
Busca al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

Dios ha creado todo lo que existe mediante la sabiduría y el amor. El profeta Isaías reflexionaba sobre el misterio de la creación preguntando: “¿Quién midió las aguas en el hueco de su mano y abarcó con la palma las dimensiones del cielo? ¿Quién hizo caber en una medida el …
Food Creates Opportunities

Many consider me an adventurous eater. When I find something unique or out of the ordinary on a menu, I am always curious to try it. And while I didn’t cook much growing up, I stepped out of my comfort zone in college and seminary to do it more. As …
Seek the Lord for June 2023

Memorial Day celebrations mark the unofficial beginning of summer throughout our country. By this point most schools have finished the academic year, and people are once again flocking to parks and swimming pools to enjoy the nice weather. And, whether it’s enjoying a snack on a hike, a burger at …
How Can I Help?

It’s the question we ask when those we care about are overwhelmed. Whether in celebration or in mourning those we love want to make things easier. And what’s the first form of help that usually comes to mind? If you’re like me, your brain probably locked onto food. Food is …
Seek the Lord for May 2023

May is a month of transitions. Children celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer break. College students return home or perhaps begin an internship related to their area of study. Families gather for First Communion and Mother’s Day celebrations and look forward to upcoming vacations. …