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Being Pro Life
Bus trips to March for Life cancelled but local activities abound

A major snow storm is expected to dump more than a foot of snow in the Washington D.C. area and in several places along the route many busses would take while returning to the region from the nation’s capital. As a result, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Dioceses of Covington have …
Schedule of Roe vs. Wade memorial events around archdiocese released

The following information, released by Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, are known area events commemorating the Jan. 22 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Decision, which legalized abortion on-demand–the 43rd year of this tragic memorial. (Any later additional events will be posted on the Cincinnati Right to Life Area Events page). “Since 1973, over …
Birthright of Greater Cincinnati continues to help women with pregnancy

On a recent Wednesday morning, a distraught woman arrived at the office of Birthright of Greater Cincinnati. After a rough start to the day that included a broken down car and missing credit card, the mother of five-month old twin boys found support and advice in the calming presence of …
Group helps memorialize children lost through miscarriage, stillbirths

ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) — When Kara Palladino lost a child through miscarriage about a year ago, she knew she wanted to bury the baby in a way that honored her Catholic faith. But after calling a long list of funeral homes and cemeteries, she couldn’t find any with a plan …
Attorney General investigation shows Planned Parenthood disposed of aborted remains in landfills

The Office of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has found new disturbing allegations against Planned Parenthood in the state. In concluding an investigation into whether or not Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in the state sold aborted baby parts, the AG office said in a press release it found no evidence …
Shooting at Colorado clinic antithesis of pro-life movement, says priest

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — A priest who celebrates Mass every Friday morning on a sidewalk near the Planned Parenthood clinic targeted by a lone gunman Nov. 27 said the shooter’s actions were the antithesis of the pro-life cause. “We want the conversion of Planned Parenthood, not their destruction,” said Father Bill Carmody, …
Father Pavone, Royalmont students, pray outside Planned Parenthood [Video]

Father Frank Pavone of the organization Priests for Life joined students from Royalmont Academy in prayer Thursday afternoon, the feast of Pope St. John Paul II, near the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on Auburn Avenue in Cincinnati. Father Pavone, in Cincinnati as a guest of Royalmont Academy, prayed the rosary in English …
Archdiocese, USCCB work to clear misunderstanding on papal letter regarding absolutions for abortion

Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati sent a letter to local media Wednesday to help clear up confusion in the wake of Pope Francis Sept. 1 letter announcing an expansion of faculties for priests to absolve the sin of abortion. Calling some of the coverage, “misleading and confusing,” the Archdiocese …
More than 1,300 protest Planned Parenthood in archdiocese

Staff Report With each successive protest held against national abortion provider Planned Parenthood, more and more people are turning out to support life. Just less than a month after a weekday protest drew nearly 500 pro-lifers, on Saturday Aug. 22, more than 1,100 turned out for a #ProtestPP rally at …
Willke, a Catholic doctor and longtime pro-life advocate, dies at 89

By Catholic News Service CINCINNATI — Dr. John “Jack” Willke, an obstetrician and a former president of the National Right to Life Committee who is credited with helping shape the pro-life movement, died Feb. 20 at his home in Cincinnati. He was 89. A funeral Mass was to be celebrated …