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9:30 am
Our Lady’s mission, the salvation of souls at her home
Join us on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to consecrate ourselves to Our Lady's mission, the salvation of souls at her home; Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center 5440 Moeller Ave. Norwood, Oh 45212 December 8th, 11:00 Mass, Confession 9:30am-10:45am. Receive a free Consecration preparation booklet "33 Days ...
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Pieta Coming to St. Peter in Chains Cathedral
An exciting opportunity is being made available to the Cathedral – the placement of a Pieta, which will be there for a preview beginning December 8. Save the date and plan to join them for the 11:30 a.m. Mass and unveiling that day.
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175th Anniversary Closing Mass and Dinner Dance at St. Mary (Piqua)
Save the date! Closing Mass celebrated by Bishop Binzer which will be followed by a dinner and dance. Details to come.
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National night of prayer for Life
Four hours of Eucharistic Adoration and prayers of reparation for the sin of abortion will be offered. Each hour will begin with a hymn & prayers including the Rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet.
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